Tourism Management

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Tourism Management
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"Tourism Management: Managing for Change" is a complete synthesis of tourism, from its beginnings through to the major impacts it has on today's global community, the environment and economy. Provocative and stimulating, it challenges the conventional thinking and generates reflection, thought and debate. This bestselling book is now in its second edition and has been fully revised with updated statistics and a complete set of brand new case studies. "Tourism Management" covers the fundamentals of tourism, introducing the following key concepts: The development of tourism; Tourism supply and demand; Sectors involved: transport, accommodation, government; and The future of tourism: including forecasting and future issues affecting the global nature of tourism. In a user-friendly, handbook style, each chapter covers the material required for at least one lecture within a degree level course. Written in a jargon-free and engaging style, this is the ultimate student-friendly text, and a vital introduction to this exciting, ever-changing area of study. The text is also accompanied by a companion website packed with extra resources for both students and lecturers. A complete synthesis of the tourism industry, second edition includes a complete set of new case studies including 2012 Olympics, Southwest airlines, and policies for tourism in South Africa, as well as updated statistics. A companion website packed with extra resources both for students and lecturers.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7506-8205-3, 9780750682053
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Butterworth Heinemann

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