Ultrasound of Urogenital System

Ultrasound of Urogenital System
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This book is intended to be used and read by practicing radiologists, sonographers, and physicians working in urology and renal medicine, who have an interest in fully exploiting the diagnostic power of ultrasound imaging. Central to this book is ultrasound imaging as it contributes to the overall management of renal-based problems. Support is provided by medical, surgical, and oncological information. Adjunct imaging methods are discussed where it is important to appreciate the role of other modalities. An interventional section is included for those cases where ultrasound is used in guiding interventional procedures. An excellent and compact, yet comprehensive, introduction to the use of ultrasound, providing detailed assessment of the urogenital system.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-3-13-137441-7, 9783131374417
Wydawnictwo: THIEME VERLAG

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