War & the Media Reporting & Propaganda

Mark Connelly
War & the Media Reporting & Propaganda
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Propaganda has been a major tool of war from the earliest times and has never been more vital, and had no greater effect, than in the 20th century - a time of continuous global conflict and two world wars. This title includes contributions from leading academics, media professionals and from the armed services. All aspects are covered: the Press; radio and television, state information services; "virtual war" and psychological operations. The 20th century has seen major shifts in the relationship between war and propaganda, fuelled by the huge technological advances, making propaganda and censorship increasingly potent weapons. The text covers conflict from the Boer War, British and German propaganda in World War I and World War II, the Cold War, the Gulf War and Kosovo. An important aspect - not generally realized except among media professionals - is the control of propaganda by the Ministry of Defence which has access to the largest single television audience in the world through "BBC World". The role of propaganda in the "war against terror" is also analysed in detail.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-86064-959-2, 9781860649592
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: I.B. TAURIS

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