War Without End

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War Without End
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The Warmaster’s rebellion spreads to every corner of the galaxy in this Horus Heresy anthology. The galaxy will never know peace again, not in this lifetime or a thousand others... The Emperor’s vision of mankind ascendant lies in tatters. The Great Crusade is naught but a fading memory. The dream of Unity is no more. But with Horus’s rebellion spreading to every corner of the Imperium and war engulfing new worlds and systems almost daily, there are some who now ask: were the signs there to be seen all along? In these dark times, only one thing is certain – the galaxy will never know peace again, not in this lifetime or a thousand others... This anthology contains twenty-one stories from the Horus Heresy: Sermon of Exodus by David Annandale Howl of the Hearthworld & Lord of the Red Sands by Aaron Dembski-Bowden Black Oculus by John French The Laurel of Defiance, A Safe and Shadowed Place & Twisted by Guy Haley Artefacts , The Phoenician , Imperfect & Chirurgeon by Nick Kyme The Devine Adoratrice & Wolf Mother by Graham McNeill Hands of the Emperor & The Harrowing by Rob Sanders Virtues of the Sons by Andy Smillie All that Remains & Gunsight by James Swallow By the Lion's Command by Gav Thorpe Allegiance & Daemonology by Chris Wraight These stories have been previously available in the anthologies The Imperial Truth , Sedition's Gate , Death and Defiance & Blades of the Traitor . Includes additional black and white artwork. Been dying to read some of the stories from event-exclusive books? Now's your chance with this great collection of tales from the length and breadth of the Heresy.  
Data wydania: 2016-01-23
ISBN: 1-78496-450-6, 1784964506
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: The Black Library
Cykl: Herezja Horusa, tom 33
Stron: 624

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