What Men Say What Women Hear

L. Papadopoulos
What Men Say What Women Hear
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We know that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, but what we still need to know is how to find a common dialect and a way of translating what we mean when we communicate with each other. "What Men Say" is an indispensable guide for the modern woman who, although she can run countries, fly to the moon and power walk in stilettos still struggles to understand what a man actually means when he says she 'has curves'. Here, for the first time, top TV psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos ("Big Brother", "This Morning", "Newsround") helps us to unlock the key to better communication within our relationships. She takes the lifespan of relationships and, by utilising the principles of the revolutionary Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; she shows the communication pitfalls and how to avoid them. From the first date disasters through to meeting the parents and popping the Big Question, this book will be the first to address communication problems, teaching the reader ways of identifying them, and showing them that talking in a language we all understand is simply a matter of becoming more aware of our own thought processes and perceptions, and learning how to analyse them.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-84413-810-4, 9781844138104
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Random House

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