Women Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence

F. Buttell
Women Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence
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"Women Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence" examines the causes and consequences of violence initiated by women against their partners. This unique book fills the void of available literature on domestically violent women, taking a frank look at the issues surrounding female batterers who are the primary aggressors in their intimate relationships. Contributors write candidly about the similarities and differences between violent women and violent men, how to develop effective interventions, existing theories on the development of abusive behaviour in women, and society's response to violent women. The counselling and psychological community has responded to the problem of domestic abuse and violence against women. But very little has been done to address the issues of domestic abuse and violence committed by women. "Women Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence" presents innovative original research that focuses specifically on women as offenders, rather than simply adapting programs created for male batterers to women. The book includes epidemiological studies, secondary analyses, personality profiles, and a study of women entering a 16-week, court-mandated, batterer intervention program (BIP). "Women Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence" is an invaluable professional resource for psychologists, social workers, and counsellors.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7890-3131-0, 9780789031310
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Haworth Press

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