
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "swoje eben", znaleziono 102

The problem with the so-called bloody surveillance state is that it’s hard work trying to track someone’s movements using CCTV – especially if they’re on foot. Part of the problem is that the cameras all belong to different people for different reasons. Westminster Council has a network for traffic violations, the Oxford Street Trading Association has a huge network aimed at shop-lifters and pickpockets, individual shops have their own systems, as do pubs, clubs and buses. When you walk around London it is important to remember that Big Brother may be watching you, or he could be having a piss, or reading the paper or helping redirect traffic around a car accident or maybe he’s just forgotten to turn the bloody thing on.
Dziwnie porządny ten maniak - powiedział. Ułożył te ciała jak w kolejce do teatru.
Należy ich wówczas aresztować i przesłuchiwać tak długo, aż się przyznają.
Potężne myślenie oznacza poszerzanie naszych horyzontów, sięganie po nowe możliwości dla naszego życia, otwarcie na to, co Bóg ma dla nas. Potężne myślenie to kolejny sposób na to, by wyrazić jedno z ulubionych powiedzeń mojej mamy: "Możesz zrobić wszystko, co robią inni - tylko że ty musisz spróbować robić to lepiej!". To właśnie jest potężne myślenie.
Ci, którzy niczego nie osiągają, wkładają wiele wysiłku w to, by inni też upadli. Podlizują się, namawiają, krytykują, szydzą, drwią i kłócą się.
Wobec tego, dlaczego uciekła? Z nawyku, z przyzwyczajenia, które narodziło się wskutek przykrych doświadczeń i rozczarowań. Nie pamiętała dokładnie, kiedy, ale już jakiś czas temu przestała sobie nawet wyobrażać, że jakiś chłopak naprawdę zwali ją z nóg. Odcięła się od emocji, wyrzuciła je za wysoki mur, gdzie sobie spokojnie usychały. Tak było lepiej.
Duch ludzi wyrwanych niegdyś z Edenu, wygnanych z nieboskłonu i rozpędzonych po ziemi, która trwa w swym cyklu już trzeci raz nie może się zebrać i odnaleźć. Z drugiej jednak strony, jeżeli człowiek nie zapomni o przeszłości obudzi się w marze życia, jęcząc i upadając bez końca, aż do granic własnej wytrzymałości. Zagubiony nie znajdzie na ziemi szczęścia. Samotnie może oszaleć albo próbować wprowadzania zmian. Jakkolwiek by nie żył, jego wychowanie i tradycja zabiją w nim resztki inności.
However, recent times, unfortunate, there has been a growing degeneration of the judiciary power, which finds its expression in a specific interpretation of the basic principles of this power (…) The degenerate form of these principles takes the form of three supposed principles: exclusivity, omnipotence, and voluntarism, which seem to be followed by some judges and legal theorists:
In his twenties, John Bridgens most identified with Hamlet. The strangely aging Prince of Denmark—Bridgens was quite sure that the boy Hamlet had magically aged over a few theatrical weeks to a man who was, at the very least, in his thirties by Act V—had been suspended between thought and deed, between motive and action, frozen by a consciousness so astute and unrelenting that it made him think about everything, even thought itself.
In his twenties, John Bridgens most identified with Hamlet. The strangely aging Prince of Denmark—Bridgens was quite sure that the boy Hamlet had magically aged over a few theatrical weeks to a man who was, at the very least, in his thirties by Act V—had been suspended between thought and deed, between motive and action, frozen by a consciousness so astute and unrelenting that it made him think about everything, even thought itself.
"Child, to say the very thing you really mean, the whole of it, nothing more or less or other than what you really mean; that's the whole art and joy of words." A glib saying. When the time comes to you at which you will be forced at last to utter the speech which has lain at the center of your soul for years, which you have, all that time, idiot-like, been saying over and over, you'll not talk about joy of words. I saw well why the gods do not speak to us openly, nor let us answer. Till that word can be dug out of us, why should they hear the babble that we think we mean? How can they meet us face to face till we have faces?
'In Australia one has to consider whose and what aspects of cultures are reproduced. While recognising goals and functions for Indigenous Literature depicted by Indigenous authors, it is important to remember their comments on the mainstream literary critique and notice the above mentioned Indigenous Literature’s unsteady position within Literary History and Institutions. Not represented up to its miscellaneous aptitudes, Aboriginal literature (within literary discourses and social forms of organisation) engages with various systems of signs in the production of texts. These very texts replicate the meanings of a culture, which must be seen as ever changing. Assuming exclusiveness, and inclusiveness of Indigenous Literature, this article’s intention has been to dismantle the perspective of theoretical nativism in the case of Australian Indigenous Literature.' (ANTI-NATIVISM IN AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS LITERATURE. Kultura Globalizacja Historia, nr7) 'To jest moja droga koniecznosci/ za krotkie mam rece/ by siegnac snow/ zamieszkalych na drugim koncu' (Punkt widzenia)
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