Dalsza część sagi belgijskiej rodziny Steenfort'ów. Tym razem rodzina boryka się z problemami pierwszej wojny światowej - Adrian na froncie, gdzie między innymi dowiaduje się o niezbyt chlubnej przes...
Męki dojrzewania nigdy jeszcze nie były tak bolesne - i tak zabawne - jak w słynnym sekretnym dzienniku Adriana. Uporczywe pryszcze i kryzys małżeński rodziców, porażki na polu literatury i drwiny ku...
A spin-off series from the hit manga Gangsta that tells the backstory of Marco Adriano. The man named Marco Adriano is a loyal and beloved member of the Cristiano Family, helping them protect the per...
The man named “Marco Adriano” is a loyal and beloved member of the Cristiano Family, helping them protect the persecuted Twilight population in the city of Ergastulum. But he was once a boy codenamed ...
The man named Marco Adriano is a loyal and beloved member of the Cristiano Family, helping them protect the persecuted Twilight population in the city of Ergastulum. But he was once a boy code-named “...
The man named Marco Adriano is a loyal and beloved member of the Cristiano Family, helping them protect the persecuted Twilight population in the city of Ergastulum. But he was once a boy code-named “...