Setki szczegółów do śledzenia i wyszukiwania oraz mnóstwo historii do opowiedzenia! Nasze drogi pełne są pojazdów: samochodów, autobusów, ciężarówek, śmieciarek, tramwajów, karetek pogotowia, motorów,...
The Atlas of Upper Abdominal Surgery covers in detail the technical aspects of all important procedures of the upper abdomen (esophagus, duodenum, stomach, liver, biliary system, pancreas, portal hype...
Tatry i Beskidy Zachodnie to praktyczne połączenie przewodnika z atlasem w wygodnym formacie. Bogato ilustrowana fotografiami książka zawiera oprócz map i opisów atrakcji wiele przydatnych informacji ...
Auto-Moto PRL to niezwykła i bezkonkurencyjna publikacja o codziennych i niecodziennych polskich pojazdach okresu PRL. Dla osób pamiętających minioną epokę jest to sentymentalne wspomnienie dwóch, czt...
Auto-Moto PRL Samochody Motocykle Prototypy
To nie tylko album z niezwykle ciekawymi zdjęciami, często nigdy wcześniej nie publikowanymi. To przede wszystkim wyjątkowo bogata w treść opowieść o niełatwych dziejach polskiej powojennej myśli tech...
Atlas Maior - Hollandia et Belgica Maps of Holland and Belgium from JoanBlaeu's exquisite world atlas of 1665 The Atlas Maior, thecartographical masterpiece of the Baroque period, was brought out betw...
Beth Powell and Susan Wright were best friends - both from troubled families, their only happy times were the summers they spent together as children. Until fate intervened and separated them. It's tw...
The fifth book in the Kathryn MacKay series
Cardiac aging, like aging in general, is a complex process. Numerous cellular and molecular changes contribute to the expression of the multiple phenotypes of aging, "the different faces" of cardiac a...
Presented according to how foot and ankle pathology is encountered by most orthopaedic surgeons in their practice, this atlas includes chapters dealing with individual common procedures, such as the s...
Thoroughly revised and updated, this Fourth Edition is the only current book that integrates cellular and subcellular elements of cardiovascular physiology in the analysis of physiologic and pathophys...
Because of the wide variety of anomalies encountered in congenital heart surgery, a broad understanding of the pathologic anatomy of defects is vitally important to the successful surgeon. More than i...
Lavishly illustrated with over 500 superb colour photographs, practical and extensive in its coverage, this "Colour Atlas of Foot and Ankle Disorders" gives a clear pictorial account of all the major ...
Color Atlas of Congenital Heart Surgery covers the full spectrum of congenital heart defects, first depicting the pathology in pre-repair photographs and then detailing step-by-step the operative proc...
Revised and updated for its Third Edition, "Aunt Minnie's Atlas" is an excellent study tool for the oral radiology board examination. It features over 900 images and over 250 cases representing "Aunt ...