Welcome to ShaderX6, the latest volume in the cutting-edge, indispensable series for game and graphics programmers. This all-new volume is packed with a collection of insightful techniques, innovative...
As a cop with the city’s famed 87th Precinct, Steve Carella has seen it all. Or so he thinks. Because nothing can prepare him for the sight that greets him on a sweltering July night: fellow detectiv...
Smoothly, remorselessly, inhumanly, the controlled flow of people continued. As each of the great planetary shells approached population maximum, the surplus mass of humanity was transported out. Inex...
Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and the Rebel Alliance have fought valiantly against the evil Galactic Empire. Together they have kept alive the hopes for freedom, and helped restore the ways...
Michael and his friends try to recruit Hatch’s Electric Youth to their side as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying sixth installment of the New York Times bestselling series! Michael ...
Get your child hooked on reading as they discover what lies behind Darth Vader’s evil mask Designed to engage even the most reluctant reader, this fun-packed Star Wars Reader is all about your child’s...
Rebecca de Windsor, una hermosísima mujer dedicada con gran éxito al espectáculo, descubre un día ante el espejo que los años no pasan en vano y que el tiempo empieza a hacer mella en su cuerpo. Consc...