
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "chce cancer", znaleziono 287

2 wydania
R. Bradbury

The last decade has seen a dramatic shift in anticancer drug research towards agents that aim to target selectively key regulatory and signaling processes known to drive tumorigenesis. A number of the...

Breast Cancer
10 wydań
Breast Cancer
E. Bombardieri, D. Roses, D. Winchester, S. Rose ...

2004 RSNA Bestseller!Early detection is our most effective means for reducing the number of unnecessary deaths caused by breast cancer; however, the lack of skilled mammographic readings, especially i...

Cancer Prevention II
Cancer Prevention II
H. Senn

This "Recent Results in Cancer Research" volume contains the majority of the invited expert contributions of the Fifth International Conference on Cancer Prevention, held 6-8 March 2008 at the Univers...

Cancer Prevention
Cancer Prevention
Hans Jorg Senn

This volume contains the main proceedings of the fourth international conference on "Cancer Prevention 2006," which was held during February 16a "18, 2006, in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Written by inter...

Cancer & Inflammation
Cancer & Inflammation
Douglas W. Morgan

How are cancer and inflammation interrelated mechanistically and clinically? Though extensive literature exists on the topic "Cancer and Inflammation", there are relatively few texts that have truly i...

Diabetes and Cancer
Diabetes and Cancer
K. Masur

The 10 chapters in this volume, compiled by Masur (immunology and experimental oncology, U. of Witten/Herdecke, Germany), focus on the epidemiological and molecular links between type 2 diabetes and c...

World Cancer Report
World Cancer Report
B. Steward

With more than 10 million new cases every year, cancer has become one of the most devastating diseases worldwide. The causes and types of cancer vary in different geographical regions but in most coun...

Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnosis
Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnosis
Challa Kumar

This first in-depth overview on nanotechnological approaches to cancer diagnosis brings together oncology and nanotechnology. A valuable single source collecting the information from specialized journ...

Head & Neck Cancer Imaging
Head & Neck Cancer Imaging
R. Hermans

This book provides a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art imaging in head and neck cancer. Precise determination of tumor extent is of the utmost importance in these neoplasms, as it has important...

Encyclopedic Reference of Cancer
Encyclopedic Reference of Cancer
M. Schwab

This comprehensive encyclopedic reference provides rapid access to focused information on topics of cancer research for clinicians, research scientists and advanced students. With an A-Z format of abo...

Multiorgan Resections for Cancer
Multiorgan Resections for Cancer

Some of the mostdifficult problems in surgery arise when abdominal malignancies affect and invade adjacent structures. In certain carefully selected patient groups, substantial disease-free survival c...

Infections Causing Human Cancer
Infections Causing Human Cancer
H. Hausen

Infections must be thought as one of the most important, if not the most important, risk factors for cancer development in humans. Progress has been particularly rapid in this field over the last 25 y...

Lymphangiogenesis in Cancer Metastasis
Lymphangiogenesis in Cancer Metastasis
S. Stacker

Lymphangiogenesis and Cancer Metastasis introduces the new field of lymphatic vessel growth and development, and its relationship to the metastatic spread of cancer cells. The book covers all aspects ...

MRI of Rectal Cancer
MRI of Rectal Cancer
Arnd-Oliver Schafer

Today magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of rectal cancer is one of the most interesting topics in radiology. Over the last decade technical refinements have strengthened the role of MRI as a first-line...

Diagnosis & Management of Cancer
Diagnosis & Management of Cancer
M. Ashok

This book gives a thorough overview on the diagnosis and management of all cancer types. Well referenced, it is suitable for all levels of student and for practicing surgeons and GPs. Contents: The Na...

Apoptosis & Cancer Therapy 2 vols
Apoptosis & Cancer Therapy 2 vols
Klaus-Michael Debatin

Since most cancer therapies primarily act by inducing apoptosis in tumor cells, insights into the molecular mechanisms regulating apoptosis are crucial to developing novel, more effective treatment st...

Molecular Genetics of Lung Cancer
Molecular Genetics of Lung Cancer
D. Cooper

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality in Western countries. It also provides an archetypal example of how inherited predisposing genetic variants may interact with an environmental infl...

Breast Cancer Management & Molecular Medicine
Breast Cancer Management & Molecular Medicine
Martine Piccart

Tailoring treatment for individual breast cancers is no longer a dream and is now the main goal for current research. This book gives an overview of the most recent techniques, agents and approaches f...

Survivors of Childhood & Adolescent Cancer
Survivors of Childhood & Adolescent Cancer
Cindy L. Schwartz

Today, three-quarters of children and adolescents with cancer survive. Survivors are predisposed by their treatment to health problems that may not become apparent until they mature or begin to age. F...

International Agency For Research on Cancer
International Agency For Research on Cancer

A wide range of projects are described in the latest Biennial Report of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer research branch of the World Health Organization (@Link). Mos...

Progress in Anti Cancer Chemotherapy
Progress in Anti Cancer Chemotherapy
N. Hortobagyi

Progress in Anti-Cancer Chemotherapy, Volume 1 is the inaugural volume in an exciting new series of annual updates in chemotherapy for cancer. Based on presentations from the annual international cong...

Iarc Handbooks of Cancer Prevention
Iarc Handbooks of Cancer Prevention
I. Press

The trends with increasing prevalence of overweight/obesity and sedentary lifestyle are alarming. The prevalence of obesity has increased markedly during the last 20 years in Europe and in USA; e.g. i...

Encyclopedia of Cancer 4 vols
Encyclopedia of Cancer 4 vols
M. Schwab

This comprehensive encyclopedic reference provides rapid access to focused information on topics of cancer research for clinicians, research scientists and advanced students. Given the overwhelming su...

Early Cancer of Gastrointestinal Tract
Early Cancer of Gastrointestinal Tract
M. Kaminishi

Differences in the diagnostic criteria for early cancer of the gastrointestinal tract between Japan and Western countries have been an interesting issue for some time, physicians in Japan being much m...

Endocrinopathy After Childhood Cancer Treatment
Endocrinopathy After Childhood Cancer Treatment
W. Wallace

Continuing advances in the management of childhood malignancies result in a rapidly growing number of childhood cancer survivors. However, many of them experience treatment-induced 'late effects' incl...

Principles of Cancer Biotherapy 5e
Principles of Cancer Biotherapy 5e
R. Oldham

At the time of the first edition of Principles of Cancer Biotherapy in 1987, this book represented the first comprehensive textbook on biological therapy. In 1991, when the second edition was publishe...

Imaging of Kidney Cancer (Medical Radiology)
Imaging of Kidney Cancer (Medical Radiology)
A. Guermazi

This is one of the first books to deal specifically with diagnostic imaging of the entire spectrum of kidney cancers. Both new and conventional imaging modalities are fully considered. After an introd...

Exposure to Artificial UV Radiation & Skin Cancer
Exposure to Artificial UV Radiation & Skin Cancer

An IARC Working Group has assessed the available evidence relating to possible detrimental health effects of exposure to artificial ultraviolet radiation through use of indoor tanning facilities, in p...

100 Years of Organized Cancer Research
100 Years of Organized Cancer Research
W. Eckart

An excellent survey of international cancer research from radical surgery through early radiotherapy, the development of cytostatic agents, onco-virology, cancer and the state, or cancer in modern lit...

How to Discover Cancer Through Self-Examination
Pan Mingji

New in Good jacket. Instructions on how to self-examine over 30 common malignant tumors for signs of cancer. Provides both analysis and solution utilizing both traditional Chinese medicine and contemp...

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