Podziwiamy ludzi, którzy dokonali czegoś wielkiego, co przysłużyło się społeczeństwu i uczyniło świat lepszym. Wielcy przywódcy, myśliciele, nieustępliwi naukowcy, odkrywcy czy wspaniali artyści - oni...
Lavishly illustrated with over 500 superb colour photographs, practical and extensive in its coverage, this "Colour Atlas of Foot and Ankle Disorders" gives a clear pictorial account of all the major ...
Covering the most important pathogens, this handbook provides clear, concise descriptions of the symptoms and cycles of diseases, their distribution and economic importance and advice on their control...
This is a unique and comprehensive guide to identifying and controlling diseases of the tomato plant and fruit, and is designed to enable the readers to diagnose and combat parasitic and non-parasitic...
Visual recognition of presenting clinical signs is a vital component in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. This book presents an impressive full-colour collection of the clinical mani...
Book Information A Colour Atlas of Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers By: David Alford Published by: Manson Publishing Reviews "... very well presented ... should serve as an authoritative ...
Following the worldwide success of Dr Blancard's volumes on Tomato Diseases and Cucurbit Diseases, the author and his colleagues have produced a further indispensable tool for the diagnosis, understan...