This sumptuous collection celebrates the wonderful and often secretive world of our feline friends. With tales from acclaimed children's authors and illustrators, such as Nicola Bayley, William Corlet...
Containing canine tales from a range of children's authors and illustrators, including Emma Chichester Clark, Nicholas Allan and Sue Heap, this anthology contains wit and adventure.
An adaptation of the well-known adventures of Mowgli, a boy reared by a pack of wolves, and the wild animals of the jungle.Kindergarten-Grade 6 As well done as this retelling is, a substitute for The ...
Learn about sharks and whales with this fun and informative sticker book. You can create your own dramatic stories about Hammerhead Sharks and Sperm Whales. This sticker book, from the best selling Ul...
In this illustrated book, 14 classic fairy tales are retold for young children. Old favourites, such as "Cinderella" and "Jack and the Beanstalk", are presented alongside some less well-known stories,...
A lush treasury of 19 fairy tales that generations of children have grown up on, lushly illustrated by Diane Goode.
Seria In Company 3.0 ESP (English for Specific Purposes) to pięć nowych tytułów rozwijających język specjalistyczny dla fachowców w takich dziedzinach, jak: sprzedaż, zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw, fin...
This book is well-written. It is easy to read and keeps your interest in general, although it is sometimes a little repetitious and slow. I guess the author repeats the point to make sure you get it. ...