Piękna doktor Machiko Grace, prowadząca badania nad produkcją cybernetycznych wojowników dla potrzeb armii, niespodziewanie odkrywa naukowy geniusz swojego młodszego brata - Locke?a i proponuje mu prz...
Witajcie w technoświecie. W świecie, w którym przez 24 godziny na dobę nieświadomie pracujemy dla wielkich firm technologicznych, przekazując im bezcenne dane. W którym sztuczna inteligencja zastępuj...
The V4 Cooperation in Ensuring Cyber Security - Analysis and Recommendations publication is aimed at conducting scrutiny of the state of cyber security in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Pol...
Zawartość zbioru: 1. Jakub Arbes: Mózg Newtona (fragment) 2. Alois Jirásek: Golem 3. Jiři Karásek: Ganimedes 4. Karel Hloucha: Druza 5. Karel Čapek: Fabryka absolutu (fragmenty) 6. Jan Weiss: Lus...
Mimo że na kartach swojej książki Cyber Marian wciąż występuje w nieodłącznych cybergałach, z wąsem i w peruce, odsłania w niej o wiele więcej, niż skrywają atrybuty jego artystycznego wizerunku. Cybe...
Od czasu do czasu do mediów przedostają się informacje o wykorzystaniu technologii cyfrowej jako broni. Słyszeliśmy o ekstremalnych scenariuszach grożących fizyczną zagładą świata, ale o wiele powsze...
Emphasizing prevention, assessment, and intervention as well as evaluation, this concise, proactive guide for busy educators offers techniques for helping today's tech-savvy students make balanced cho...
Enormous efficiencies have been gained over the past twenty-five years as a result of the introduction of computers and telecommunications technologies. The use of these systems and networks translate...
Educators and parents must help steer children and adolescents through the digital terrain. Including stories, self-assessment features and quizzes, and practical advice, this guide aids the Internet-...
Lawyer and writer Mike Godwin has been at the forefront of the struggle to preserve freedom of speech on the Internet. In Cyber Rights he recounts the major cases and issues in which he was involved a...
Written by a former NYPD cyber cop, this is the only book available that discusses the hard questions cyber crime investigators are asking. The book begins with the chapter “What is Cyber Crime? Thi...
When the Doctor arrives in the 19th-century village of Klimtenburg, he discovers the residents suffering from some kind of plague - a 'wasting disease'. The victims face a horrible death - but what's ...
Check out these picture stories based on the best-selling Scooby direct-to-video movies.
The movement toward miniaturized and mobile computing has created more opportunity for cyber thieves. To respond effectively, IT security professionals need a resource that combines the understanding ...
"Cyber Terrorism: Political and Economic Implications" is a cyber terrorism brief that outlines many of the recent terrorist activities, political objectives, and their use of cyberspace. Much of this...
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from recognised authors for lower secondary students. This new edition is bursting with added features and an even more user-friendly design to capt...
The Cybermen are on the march through the Hundred Realms, killing and converting as they go. Resistance is useless. Trapped on the outermost fringes of the battle, the Doctor and Jamie are astonished...