Książka nie jest łatwa bo i temat poruszany w niej jest bardzo specjalistyczny. Zajmuje się ona strukturami dyssypatywnymi będącymi pojęciem wprowadzonym do termodynamiki układów nierównowagowych. Ksi...
„Stworzyliśmy machinę do wywoływania oburzenia, zachęcającą do propagowania bulwersujących treści. [...] Zwyczajni ludzie zaczęli się czuć jak żołnierze cyfrowej armii walczący o wspólną sprawę” – za...
Jak sprawić, aby trudna sytuacja stała się okazją do nauki i rozwoju? Jaki związek ma neurobiologia z naszą reakcją na niepokojące zachowania dziecka? Dr Daniel J. Siegel, psychiatra, i dr Tina Payn...
Wielcy uczeni XVII wieku myśleli, że odkryli niezmienne prawa Wszechświata, który działa jak mechanizm zegarowy. Ale mylili się... Od najmniejszych cząstek w fizyce kwantowej do planetoid w Układzie S...
Przedstawiamy trzeci tom z serii Thorgal – Louve zatytułowany Królestwo chaosu. Należy on do cyklu prezentującego przygody córki dzielnego wikinga, nieustannie borykającego się z wyzwaniami losu. Król...
Czy wolałbyś żyć z koszmarną prawdą, czy w błogiej nieświadomości? Życie osiemnastoletniego Arthura wali się w gruzy, kiedy dostaje sądowy zakaz zbliżania się do swojej byłej dziewczyny, traci stypen...
Lela plunges into the depths of hell to free Malachi from creatures that have waited decades to exact their revenge. But the Judge has her own way of doing things, and Lela must work with Ana, the new...
Josef Koudelka is one of the most critically successful documentary photographers of our time and a key figure among the Magnum group. Chaos features the best of his panoramic photographs, shot over t...
From the moment she saw Shawn Scarlett perform at a school talent show, Kit Larson has loved two things: the guitar, and the gorgeous, green-eyed boy who inspired her to play. But one careless night i...
Chaos is everywhere as the Lord of the Nexus orders his servant Haplo and the human child known as Bane to further their master's work on Arianus, the realm of air. But their one time companion Alfred...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. An adrenaline-fuelled expose of life inside the tech bubble, Chaos Monkeys lays bare the secrets, power plays and lifestyle excesses of the visionaries, grunts, sociopaths, ...
Cole Brandt was the self-centered and philandering lead singer for Generation Rejects Vivian Baily was a flaky, attention seeking drama queen. Apart they were challenging…together they were complete...
Eva is a hot mess running from her past and doesn’t mind telling a fib or two to protect her secrets. It’s too bad that she moved to the nosiest small town in the world with Sheriff Sexy—the tall, bui...
Wilfred Mott is very happy: his granddaughter, Donna, is back home, catching up with family and gossiping about her journeys, and he has just discovered a new star and had it named after him. He takes...
Four unlikely champions, each touched with Chaos magic at birth, are all that can stop the return of Daemron the Slayer, a hero who became a god—and then a demon. Exiled by the Old Gods, Daemron has l...
Georgie I lie to survive. Have since I was sixteen and my world fell into chaos. But I found a way to endure, or rather it found me. Now I’m a prisoner of my own doing, hiding behind a false mask so...
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos involves the study of apparent random happenings within a system or process. The subject has wide applications within mathematics, engineering, physics and other physical ...
"Discrete Chaos, Second Edition" features new chapters on two-dimensional systems of differential equations, controlling chaos, and an introduction to Maple and Mathematica. New sections on L-systems,...
This book presents new international research on artificial life, cellular automata, chaos theory, cognition, complexity theory, synchronisation, fractals, genetic algorithms, information systems, met...
Based on courses given at the universities of Texas in Austin, and California in San Diego, this book treats an active fields of research that touches upon the foundations of physics and chemistry. It...
Cairo, June 1942. A city blistering under the lash of a relentless summer and panicked by the implacable advance of Hitler's most talented general, Erwin Rommel. It is the worst possible time and plac...
Evangeline Hollis had a small accident, but in this incident, no carefully worded note on a windshield could placate the injured party. The roadkill, you see, was Satan's hellhound. Skipping all the o...
Far too many people in contemporary culture feel they don't have enough time to "get it all done." The stress of this chronic overwhelm creates a disorganized mind that leads to a chaotic life. Based...
The discipline of nonlinear dynamics has developed explosively in all areas of physics over the last two decades. This comprehensive primer summarizes the main developments in the mathematical theory ...
In ein in Jahrmilliarden entstandenes Ăkosystem trat vor einigen zehntausend Jahren der Mensch ein und hat wie kein anderer Organismus vor ihm das Bild der Erde radikal verändert. Wie sieht heute die...
This volume introduces and reviews novel theoretical approaches to modeling strongly nonlinear behaviour of either individual or interacting structural mechanical units such as beams, plates and shell...
Book 2 of the Archaon duology One a devout Sigmarite templar, the warrior now known as Archaon has fallen fully into the grip of Chaos. As his quest for the artefacts of the Everchosen intensifies, d...
"Nonlinearity and Chaos in Molecular Vibrations" deals systematically with a Lie algebraic approach to the study of nonlinear properties of molecular highly excited vibrations. The fundamental concept...
This work aims to familiarize the reader with essential properties of the chaotic dynamics of Hamiltonian systems, avoiding special mathematical tools not typical for physics. It includes material on ...
Provides an academic's understanding of the mathematical skeleton of the universe with the sensibility of a comedian, making life's big questions accessible.