Low back pain is a very common problem. Various treatments are available, but surgery has acquired increasing importance. In the United States, low back pain is now the principal reason for spinal sur...
Dekalog jest fundamentem postępowania chrześcijan. Życie ludzkie dostarcza wielu sytuacji, w których podejmujemy ważne decyzje. Z tego względu istnieje stała potrzeba nowych rozważań o Dekalogu, by na...
This practical and clinically oriented textbook is designed to teach the fundamentals of cardiac pacing and to guide those health care professionals who may not do pacing on a regular basis. The autho...
This multimedia CD-ROM with accompanying technical manual is the only instructional resource designed to teach dental hygiene students and practitioners the basic theory and skills for administering l...
Literally stamped with the approval seal of Corel, this book is more than just a guide to the features of the software. So many books are aimed at only the introductory level, but this guide explores ...
The perception of pain in the mind of dental patients is a significant deterrent to regular dental attendance. Control of this pain and anxiety is, therefore, a treatment issue central to the clinical...
No digital photographer should be without this Corel recommended guide! Every chapter in the book is methodically organized and easily accessible, so you can pick and choose to get the effect you need...