
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "john czyz", znaleziono 11

Dźwięk rogu
Dźwięk rogu
John W. Wall

Główny bohater, Alan, jest oficerem Royal Navy. Jego okręt zostaje zatopiony nieopodal Malty, a on sam trafia do oflagu w Niemczech. W czasie ucieczki zostaje porażony tajemniczą siłą, traci przytomno...

Układ Słoneczny
Układ Słoneczny
John A. Wood
Seria: Biblioteka Nauk o Ziemi

Cień templariuszy rozwiązanie zagadki rennes-le-chateau
Cień templariuszy rozwiązanie zagadki rennes-le-chateau
John Edwin Wood, Bill Putnam

Tajemnica skarbu Świątyni Jerozolimskiej wywiezionego przez Rzymian po zdobyciu Jerozolimy, a następnie ukrytego w Rennes-le-Chateau przez Wizygotów, po złupieniu przez nich Rzymu. Rennes-le-Chatteau ...

Tony Cragg
Tony Cragg
Demosthenes Davvetas, Jan Debaut, Irena Grzesiuk-Olszewska, Michael Hering ...

Tony Cragg (ur. 1949) brytyjski rzeźbiarz, autor instalacji, rysownik, grafik, od lat 70. mieszkający i tworzący w niemieckim Wuppertalu, jest jednym z najwybitniejszych rzeźbiarzy naszych czasów, wy...

Design for Micro-utopias
Design for Micro-utopias
John Wood

How can we design a better world? As voters and consumers we have become experts at choosing and complaining but have forgotten how to envisage what we really want. We have forgotten how to dream and ...

W.E. Deming Critical Evaluations in Business & Management 2v
W.E. Deming Critical Evaluations in Business & Management 2v
John Cunningham Wood

W.E. Deming's name is synonymous with Total Quality Management. Deming began his career in the US Government Service, where his application of statistical principles to clerical operations in the 1940...

Amartya Sen Critical Assessments 5 Vols
Amartya Sen Critical Assessments 5 Vols
John Cunningham Wood

Amartya Sen is probably best known for his work on famine, human development and welfare economics. He is one of the few modern academics who has commanded much respect and recognition from all corner...

H Igor Ansoff 2 vols
H Igor Ansoff 2 vols
John Cunningham Wood

The visionary theories of H. Igor Ansoff (1918-2002) on strategic business management have inspired worldwide acclaim. Called 'the father of strategic management' by Henry Mintzberg, he proposed that ...

Chris Argyris
Chris Argyris
John Cunningham Wood, Michael Cunningham Wood

Chris Argyris (b. 1923) was one of the key figures in the Human Relations Movement in the 1960s and 1970s; he is widely regarded as the founding father of the learning organization. His work has made ...

Henri Fayol Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Henri Fayol Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
John Cunningham Wood, Michael Cunningham Wood

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) along with F W Taylor, is one of the founders of 'classical management'. Fayol's work was the first significant attempt to develop principles of top-level management and one of...

Herbert A. Simon (3 vols) Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Herbert A. Simon (3 vols) Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Michael Cunningham Wood, John Cunningham Wood

Herbert Simon (1916-2001) was a polymathic intellectual. A founding figure of the field of artificial intelligence, he gained renown in the 1950s (with Allen Newell) as the creator of the first 'think...

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