Chris Argyris

John Cunningham Wood, Michael Cunningham Wood
Chris Argyris
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Chris Argyris (b. 1923) was one of the key figures in the Human Relations Movement in the 1960s and 1970s; he is widely regarded as the founding father of the learning organization. His work has made substantial contributions to the understanding of organizational behavior, organizational learning, and action research, and has deepened significantly our comprehension of experiential learning. Supplemented with the editors' introduction, which places the gathered work in its historical and intellectual context, this new collection from Routledge brings together in one volume all the best and most influential critical writing on Argyris.
Data wydania: 2009-04-20
ISBN: 978-0-415-32560-8, 9780415325608
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge
Kategoria: Biografia
Stron: 560


John Cunningham Wood
Urodzony 12 lipca 1952 roku w Australii
John Cunningham Wood is an Australian economist, author, and the Chief Executive Officer of the University Division at Navitas, known as series editor of the "Critical Assessment of Leading Economists" series of Taylor & Francis.

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Amartya Sen Critical Assessments 5 Vols Chris Argyris H Igor Ansoff 2 vols Henri Fayol Critical Evaluations in Business and Management Herbert A. Simon (3 vols) Critical Evaluations in Business and Management W.E. Deming Critical Evaluations in Business & Management 2v
Wszystkie książki John Cunningham Wood

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