Wielkie teorie językoznawcze stanowią przejrzyste i wyczerpujące przedstawienie głównych linii rozwojowych językoznawstwa. Punktem ciężkości jest przedstawienie i ujęcie w perspektywę Kursu językoznaw...
Peter F. Drucker należy do najbardziej wpływowych teoretyków biznesu i jest uznawany za ojca współczesnego zarządzania. W swoich pracach opisywał, jak godzić kierowanie organizacją z działaniami uwzgl...
„Gigant Poleca” to największa seria komiksowa, jaka ukazała się w Polsce – wszystkie wydane historyjki liczą ponad 60 tysięcy stron! „Gigant Poleca” bawi polskich czytelników już od 1992 r., kiedy by...
Gus Dury once had a high-flying career as a journalist and a wife headored. But now he is living on the edge, a drink away from Edinburgh'sdown-and-outs, drifting from bar to bar, trying not to sign d...
This book takes an in-depth look at the relationships exotic dancers have with their regular customers, and explores the limits of using feminist theory to discuss sex work. Incorporating interviews, ...
* What is involved in examining a research-based higher degree? * What are the roles of the internal and external examiners? * What are the hidden agendas of higher degree examining? * What are the es...
'Bridges are arguably the most symbolic of man-made structures. Unique in their balance between structural and aesthetic concerns, they offer a physical representation of unity and optimism.' 'It is n...
This volume explores the architecture of a diverse collection of new university buildings ranging from vast new campuses to relatively modest construction. Pearce (U. of Portsmouth School of Architect...
This is a practical, symptom-orientated handbook of neuro-ophthalmology for all trainee and practising ophthalmologists.
Cisco CallManager Fundamentals, Second Edition, provides readers with referential information on Cisco CallManager, the software component of the Cisco IP Telephony solution. It is the only available ...
Filled with real examples of the way people use English in different contexts, The Routledge Dictionary of English Language Studies is an indispensable guide to the richness and variety of the English...
"Romance Writing" explores the changing nature of both the romance genre and the discourse of romantic love from the seventeenth century to the present day. Indeed, it is one of the first studies to a...
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Ever wondered if declaring support for fair-trade and then chucking Kenyan beans from your shopping trolley to reduce food miles really added up? Or whe...
Provides comprehensive coverage of the syllabi of the majority of degree courses on the law of equity and trusts Offers detailed analysis of all key decisions, statutes and current academic debate whi...
Atrial fibrillation is the most prevalent cardiac arrhythmia, which is most prominent in the elderly. Today's drug options available for the treatment of atrial fibrillation are restricted due to insu...
Hurry!, whispered the house, and the grandfather clock at the heart of it beat an anxious tick. Tom opened the door wide and let in the moonlight. He was staring at what he saw outside. They had said,...
Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field are evident throughout this 11-chapter book. Pearce an...
Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field are evident throughout this 11-chapter book. Pearce an...
Written by well-respected authors, the suite provides a comprehensive, structured resource which covers the full Secondary 1 framework and seamlessly progresses into the next key stage. This brightly ...
This brightly illustrated Coursebook for Stage 8 offers a comprehensive introduction to all topics covered in the syllabus. Worked examples show students how to tackle different problems, and plenty o...
Written by well-respected authors, the suite provides a comprehensive, structured resource which covers the full Secondary 1 framework and seamlessly progresses into the next key stage. Cambridge Chec...
Written by well-respected authors, the Cambridge Checkpoint. Mathematics suite provides a comprehensive structured resource which covers the full Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics framework in three s...
This Checkpoint Mathematics Challenge Workbook 8 provides further materials for students to develop deeper knowledge of mathematics. Designed to be used upon completion of the corresponding Cambridge ...
This Checkpoint Mathematics Skills Builder Workbook 7 provides tailored exercises that offer targeted support to help students reinforce key skills and build confidence when performing mathematical op...
Written by well-respected authors, the Cambridge Checkpoint Mathematics suite provides a comprehensive, structured resource which covers the full Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics framework in three s...
This Practice Book for Stage 9 contains further exercise questions for practice in the classroom or at home. It provides coverage of the Problem Solving section of the framework, with questions relati...
Written by well-respected authors, the Cambridge Checkpoint. Mathematics suite provides a comprehensive structured resource which covers the full Cambridge Secondary 1. Mathematics framework in three ...
What business teams can learn from football when the game is on the line Companies and governmental organizations have spent years of training and billions of dollars on improvement efforts, yet conti...