This is the third installment of John Norman's popular and controversial Gor series. Tarl Cabot is the intrepid tarnsman of the planet Gor, a harsh society with a rigid caste system that personifies t...
Twin monarchs Satyrus and Melitta have worked hard, seen much blood shed and many good friends die to secure their fertile kingdom on the Black Sea. But as the colossal conflict between Alexander the ...
Sophos, heir to the throne of Sounis, has disappeared without a trace. Eugenides, the new and unlikely king of Attolia, has never stopped wondering what happened to his friend. Nor has the Queen of Ed...
King Garion's son had been kidnapped by Zandramas, the present carrier of the Dark Prophecy. Now Garion must travel with his wife, Ce'Nedra, and their companions to 'a place that is no more' in order ...
Full of magic, mystery and suspense, these fast-moving tales recount some of the quests and adventures of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. From the sword in the stone to the very last b...
Young readers can enjoy the medieval legend of King Arthur, carefully written for children starting to read alone. These exciting tales follow Arthur as he rules his kingdom, falls in love and tries t...
STANISLAW PONIATOWSKI WAS a dashing figure in the finest eighteenth-century tradition. He was a perfect illustration of the contradictions of the European Enlightenment: he worshipped reason but was l...
Although he's not a household name in America, Shah Rukh Khan, sometimes called the Tom Cruise of Hindi film, is a world-famous superstar, the kind who generates Elvis-level hysteria wherever he goes....
What would it be like to become Idi Amin's personal physician? Giles Foden's bestselling thriller is the story of a young Scottish doctor drawn into the heart of the Ugandan dictator's surreal and bru...
Thrust onto Egypt's throne when just nine years old, King Tut's reign was fiercely debated from the outset. After nine years in power, Tut suddenly perished and his name was purged from Egyptian histo...
Saturday 09:11 Hours: A blast rocks a London hospital and thousands are dead or injured... 10:09 Hours: Joe Ledger arrives on scene to investigate. The horror is unlike anything he has ever seen. Comp...
THE KING OF WALL STREET IS BROUGHT TO HIS KNEES BY AN AMBITIOUS BOMBSHELL. I keep my two worlds separate. At work, I’m King of Wall Street. The heaviest hitters in Manhattan come to me to make mone...
By scheming and theft, the Thief of Eddis has become King of Attolia. Eugenides wanted the queen, not the crown, but he finds himself trapped in a web of his own making. Then he drags a naive young g...
Continuing his quest to destroy the Red King, Lord Baltimore heads to the icy Baltic Sea and to northern Russia, but he finds witchcraft in the streets of St. Petersburg and evil in its shadows. With ...
An overview of British monarchs from Cerdic First King of Wessex to GeorgeVI, this guide provides a regal chronology of Britain and contains manyinsights into the foibles of one of the world's constit...
The second volume in the acclaimed Emperor series, in which Conn Igguldenbrilliantly interweaves history and adventure to recreate the astonishinglife of Julius Caesar -- an epic tale of ambition and ...
Kraków to miasto bliskie sercu każdego Polaka. Jest on wspaniałym świadkiem dziejów naszego narodu, jego kultury i sztuki. W albumie znajdziecie Państwo miasto starych murów, historii, muzeów jak równ...
Wersja anglojezyczna. Spojrzenie na życie legendy Króla Rock & Rolla, zawierające ponad 90 fotografii i ilustracji będących niezwykłą kroniką jego niezwykłego życia. Ten niewielkich rozmiarów tomik to...
The Punisher is back in the Big Apple: Start spreading the bullets! He's coming today! He wants to destroy the crime of it...New York, New York! And when a blackout hits the big city, the dark brings ...
Simple text and photographs present the accomplishments of Pele, who has been called the king of soccer.
Inspired by the true story of a real prince of pre-Islamic Arabia: Prince Walid ordered a man to create an impossible work of art. After the man died weaving it, Walid discovered his life's quest: to ...
Gay bookseller and reluctant amateur sleuth Adrien English's writing career is suddenly taking off. His first novel, Murder Will Out, has been optioned by notorious Hollywood actor Paul Kane. But whe...
Satyrus and Melitta, twin heirs to a rich kingdom on the Black Sea, were hounded into exile in FUNERAL GAMES after their mother was brutally murdered by one of their father's former comrades, Heron. ...
An exciting adventure story that tells of a Peking-to-London auto race in 1939. However, most of the action takes place in the present, when Daniel Wynter receives a worn and stained letter from his f...
Translated from the Polish by Philip Boehm, this is a poignant and touching love story spanning 60 years, from 1939 to 2000, from the Warsaw Ghetto to Israel. Hanna Krall is a prize-winning journalis...
For fans of The Bridge Kingdom and A Deal with the Elf King, this arranged marriage romance about a human princess forced to wed a dark and desperate Shadow King is sure to entice! A shunned princes...
She made a deal with the Dakkari devil. Now, he owns her. On the unforgiving planet of Dakkar, I did what all the humans in our village kept my head down, worked to provide for my family, and I certa...
In 1949 two young Cuban musicians, brothers Cesar and Nestor, leave Havana for New York. By day they work hard, by night they are the Mambo Kings: packing out clubs, dance halls and theatres with thei...
The Inventory is not only a catalogue of magnificence but also a key text for evaluating the successes and failures of the Tudor monarchy. Henry VIII had extravagant ideas of image and authority and l...
The Council is dead. The Courts have fallen. But the fight is far from over. With the keys to the realm around their necks, Nicole and Raiden hardly have the chance to breathe before the role of King...