
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "konie snie", znaleziono 17

Don Giovanni in Sicilia
Don Giovanni in Sicilia
Brancati Vitaliano

Giovanni Percolla ha quarant'anni. Sono stati quarant'anni di beata eistenza, confortata da tre premurose sorelle: lunghi pisolini pomeridiani, robuste pastasciutte, chiacchiere sulle donne, che, a Ca...

Bone in Clinical Orthopedics
Bone in Clinical Orthopedics
G. Summer-Smith

The text seeks to provide all of the basics of orthopaedic surgery in one text. This concept enables the reader to come to grips with subjects that have only been touched upon in undergraduate teachin...

Internal Fixation in Osteoporotic Bone
Internal Fixation in Osteoporotic Bone
Y. An

Osteoporosis affects over 28 million people in the United States alone, with an estimated annual cost of $14 billion. As the general population continues to age, this figure will dramatically increase...

Ion Beams in Nanoscience and Technology
Ion Beams in Nanoscience and Technology
R. Hellborg

Energetic ion beam irradiation is the basis of a wide plethora of powerful research- and fabrication-techniques for materials characterisation and processing on a nanometre scale. Materials with tailo...

Ikony : najpiękniejsze ikony w zbiorach polskich = Icons : the most beautiful icons in the Polish collections
Ikony : najpiękniejsze ikony w zbiorach polskich = Icons : the most beautiful icons in the Polish collections

Oddając w ręce czytelników album Ikony, mamy nadzieję, że pozwoli on wniknąć w tajemniczy świat ikon, dostrzec ich piękno i niezwykłość, a jednocześnie przybliżyć się do tego, co realizują jedynie iko...

Facial Nerve in Temporal Bone & Lateral Skull Base
Facial Nerve in Temporal Bone & Lateral Skull Base
Mario Sanna, Tarek Khrais, Fernando Mancini

Professor Sanna's seventh Thieme book is an incomparable surgical atlas on the management of the facial nerve in the various surgical situations and pathologies encountered in temporal bone and latera...

Dzieje grzechu. Surrealizm w kinie polskim / A Story of Sin. Surrealism in Polish Cinema
Dzieje grzechu. Surrealizm w kinie polskim / A Story of Sin. Surrealism in Polish Cinema

Książka Dzieje grzechu stanowi bezcenny przewodnik po surrealistycznej terra incognita, której zarysy autorzy zbioru rozpoznają w filmach Wojciecha Jerzego Hasa, Waleriana Borowczyka, Andrzeja Żuławsk...

COBOL : tworzenie szybkich i efektywnych programów w języku COBOL, struktura programów w języku COBOL, porady ekspertów, tworzenie indeksowanych plików danych i zarządzanie nimi, dołączanie raportów do aplikacji, tworzenie strukturalnego kodu programu, me
COBOL : tworzenie szybkich i efektywnych programów w języku COBOL, struktura programów w języku COBOL, porady ekspertów, tworzenie indeksowanych plików danych i zarządzanie nimi, dołączanie raportów do aplikacji, tworzenie strukturalnego kodu programu, me
Mo Budlong

Książka omawia programowanie w języku COBOL. Język ten jest obecnie rzadko używany, ale zajmuje on poczesne miejsce w historii informatyki. Pomimo, iż jest to dzisiaj język trochę egzotyczny dla "prze...

In viaggio con Jane Austen
In viaggio con Jane Austen
Laurie Viera Rigler

Sto forse sognando? si chiede confusa Jane Mansfield, una fanciulla inglese di inizio Ottocento, risvegliandosi all'improvviso in un ambiente a lei del tutto estraneo. L'ultima cosa che ricorda è di ...

I'll Be Gone in the Dark
I'll Be Gone in the Dark
Michelle McNamara


Bon Courage! - A French Renovation in Rural Limousin
Bon Courage! - A French Renovation in Rural Limousin
Richard Wiles

A dilapidated, rat-infested stone barn set amidst thirteen acres of overgrown woodland and unkempt pasture might not be many peoples vision of a potential dream home. But for English couple Richard an...

Glaube an dich und werde glücklich
Glaube an dich und werde glücklich

Zwei Ratgeber zum positiven Denken in einem Band Norman Vincent Peale, Mentor des Bestseller-Autors Dale Carnegie, zählt neben Joseph Murphy und Napoleon Hill zu den Koryphäen des positiven Denkens. ...

Bone Circulation Disorders An Issue of Orthopedic Clinics
M. Mont

This special issue will deal with various current, state-of-the-art, as well as novel approaches for the management of osteonecrosis. There are original research and review articles about this disease...

Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry
Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry
K. Laali

The volume is a collection of 22 chapters written by leading experts and active researchers in the field focusing on various aspects of carbocation and onium ion chemistry. These include stable ion NM...

Bone Densitometry in Growing Patients: Guidelines for Clinical Practice
Bone Densitometry in Growing Patients: Guidelines for Clinical Practice
Aenor J. Sawyer, Laura K. Bachrach, Ellen B. Fung

Bone Densitometry in Growing Patients: Guidelines for Clinical Practice, edited by Drs. Sawyer, Bachrach, and Fung, is a milestone book for all health prof- sionals concerned with bone health in grow...

Principles and Practice of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Con
Principles and Practice of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Con
M. Fogel

CMR is a powerful tool in the armamentarium of pediatric cardiology and health care workers caring for patients with congenital heart disease (CHD), but a successful study still presents major technic...

Spectrum of Mineral and Bone Disorder in Chronic Kidney Dise
Spectrum of Mineral and Bone Disorder in Chronic Kidney Dise
K. Olgaard

A comprehensive guide to the impact of chronic kidney disease on the skeleton Fully-updated to include new treatment agents and strategies to manage both conditions simultaneously Reflects new underst...

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