
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "krola sa po", znaleziono 3

Canada as a Selective Power. Canada's Role and International Position after 1989
Canada as a Selective Power. Canada's Role and International Position after 1989
Marcin Gabryś, Tomasz Soroka
Cykl: Societas, tom 100

„The academic study of Canada has traditionally been the realm of Canadian scholars. For this reason it is easy for outsiders to view Canada as a semi-Nordic continental utopia existing peacefully und...

Socialized Fiction: Role-Playing Games as a Multidimensional Space of Interaction between Literary Theory and Practice
Socialized Fiction: Role-Playing Games as a Multidimensional Space of Interaction between Literary Theory and Practice

Rozprawa pani Agaty Zarzyckiej jest udaną próbą wprzęgnięcia post strukturalistycznych narzędzi badawczych w analizę zjawiska narracyjnych gier fabularnych. Choć same gry są obecne w kulturze już dobr...

The Role of Business in Global Governance: Corporations as Norm-Entrepreneurs
The Role of Business in Global Governance: Corporations as Norm-Entrepreneurs
Annegret Flohr, Klaus Dieter Wolf, Lothar Rieth, Sandra Schwindenhammer

The Role of Business in Global Governance offers an empirically rich analysis of the new political role of corporations in the co-performance of governance functions beyond the state. Within comparat...

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