If you are looking for a straightforward, practical, no-nonsense guide to scriptwriting that will hold your hand right the way through the process, read on! The Raindance Writers? Lab guides you throu...
From the authors of the bestselling The Art of Being Brilliant We all have good days and bad days. Some days we re on form, others we can t really be bothered and feel a little lack lustre. No one enj...
Includes expanded coverage of La Moskitia and other off-the-beaten-path corners of Honduras. With an Outdoors chapter, this title offers coverage of family-friendly activities such as organic farm hom...
This best-selling, restructured laboratory manual now includes an entirely new interactive website built specifically for the A&P lab course. For the first time, MyAandP.com includes Practice Anatomy ...
Day trading is highly profitable--and highly tumultuous. Moreover, the financial markets have changed considerably in recent years.
Designed for use with any A&P textbook, this best-selling laboratory manual features a wide variety of exercises and activities to meet the needs of any anatomy & physiology laboratory course. Known f...
Once a haven for pirates, 67 sleepy islands and cays off the Honduras mainland are now a budding ecotourism destination. The clear, warm waters are home to every fish species found in the Caribbean, ...
Hard-coral jewels in the heart of Micronesia, Chuuk Lagoon, Pohnpei and Kosrae offer unrivalled variety. Dive into history while exploring artifact-laden Japanese shipwrecks in Chuuk (formerly 'Truk')...