
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lakeu dear", znaleziono 4

Where the Dead Lay
Where the Dead Lay
David Levien

The Victim was a fighter, but strength wasn't enough to save him from this gruesome end. The Missing are two well-paid private investigators who vanish on a confidential job. The Family is formidable,...

Day of the Dead
J.A. Jance

Retired Pima County Sheriff Brandon Walker investigates a gruesome, 30-year-cold case that leads him into a strange world at the unlikely border of forensic science and tribal mysticism.

Bay of the Dead
Bay of the Dead
Mark Morris
Cykl: Torchwood, tom 1

Clan of the Cave Bear
Clan of the Cave Bear
J. Auel

Presents the story of Ayla that begins when, as a 5-year-old orphan, she is adopted by the Clan, a group of Neanderthals. Initially, she inspires surprise, then wariness and finally acceptance by the ...

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