Pracownica znanej kancelarii prawniczej z Manhattanu, Genevieve Spenser, wyrusza na zasłużony urlop. Po drodze musi wykonać jeszcze jedno służbowe zadanie. Czeka ją spotkanie z milionerem Harrym Van D...
Favorite flicksOur choice of must-see masterpieces"Well-researched, encyclopedic, full of fascinating facts and an idealpresent for silver screen enthusiasts."- The Sunday Post, DundeeThey say that in...
The Champ is back!Heavyweight champion - lightweight edition (slimmed down from 50 to 15pounds)"This is not a book. This is a monument on paper, the most megalomaniacalbook in the history of civilizat...
“You’re like the treasure box filled with all the laughter I’ve lost.” When social outcast Mercy Blagden accidentally cuts herself on an ancient ruby dagger, her blood mixes with the blood of a curs...
Książka opisująca poglądy stu najbardziej znaczących filozofów, między innymi: Konfucjusz, Arystoteles, Kant, Hegel, René Descartes.
After ten long years of education and residency, Dr. Emmy MacKenzie decides that it's time for a much-deserved vacation. But when traveling the British Isles, a twist of fate at the gates of the anci...
This title offers a rare look inside the world of activist hedge funds from one of this country's top investors. In 2002, David Einhorn, the President of Greenlight Capital, gave a speech at a charity...
"If you want to be an the inside - I meat the real meat and gravy of how a musicals gets `on` - this if for you. I don`t recall Ken Bloom and Frank Vlastnik being in the room when we were writning, au...
A celebration of the universal language of romance through the ages, Love Letters embraces a selection of the most famous poetry and prose of all time from some of the worlds best known paramours, inc...