
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lane doman", znaleziono 4

Chasing Treasure: Granite Lake Romance
Chasing Treasure: Granite Lake Romance
Jody A. Kessler
Cykl: Granite Lake Romance, tom 2

"Exciting, steamy, romance that's heartfelt and entertaining!" – New York Times Bestselling Author Nancy Segovia After spending the winter apart, Treasure can’t stop thinking about her former paramed...

Divining Elise: Granite Lake Romance
Divining Elise: Granite Lake Romance
Jody A. Kessler
Cykl: Granite Lake Romance, tom 4

Elise Martinez wished her date with destiny didn’t include being run off the road by the most caring, handsome, and intelligent man she’d ever met. Moving to Granite Lake to manage a bookstore and co...

Detecting Autumn: Granite Lake Romance
Detecting Autumn: Granite Lake Romance
Jody A. Kessler
Cykl: Granite Lake Romance, tom 5

“All’s fair in love, war, and romance novels.” Bestselling author, Autumn Alex Monroe, lives and works by her misguided credo. She’ll do anything in the name of book research, including dating Gabe M...

The Land Leviathan: A New Scientific Romance
The Land Leviathan: A New Scientific Romance
Michael Moorcock
Cykl: Oswald Bastable, tom 2

Out of a world in which events defy the laws of Space and Time comes Michael Moorcok's intriguing new science fiction novel-- the fantastic tale of Oswald Bastable, a man trapped forever by Time. The ...

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