Seria o kucyku Białku jest dedykowana szczególnie dzieciom, które właśnie uczą się czytać. Celowo dobrana wielkość liter, przejrzysta konstrukcja zdań, fascynujące przygody - to wszystko wzmacnia konc...
Bee and Snail are watching butterflies in the garden. Bee wants to know what's going on. They both watch eagerly as butterflies lay eggs which turn into caterpillars and finally into butterflies. Chil...
Beetle and Fish are watching frogs at the pond. Fish wants to know what's going on. They both watch eagerly as frogspawn turns into tadpoles and finally into frogs. Children will enjoy lifting the fla...
A series of twenty non-fiction science readers which engages children in the world around them. Why are some clouds so dark? Why does lightning strike? What is a tornado? You can find the answers to t...