Das "Duden-Ausspracheworter-buch" ist das Worterbuch der deutschen Standardaussprache: Betonung und Aussprache von uber 130 000 Wortern und Namen inklusive im Deutschen gebrauchlicher Fremdworter und ...
Meanwhile, back in the present . . . In the aftermath of the "Messiah Complex" war, Cyclops took a leap of faith and allowed his son Cable to disappear into the time stream with the first new mutant b...
Etymologie der deutschen Sprache. Leicht verständlich erklärt dieses Wörterbuch der Etymologie, woher ein Wort stammt und was es ursprünglich bedeutete. Es behandelt auch moderne Fremdwörter und erklä...
The Adam Smith Review aims to provide a unique forum for interdisciplinary debate on all aspects of Adam Smith's works, his place in history, and the significance of his writings for the modern world....
Ein Wörterbuch sinnverwandter Wörter 300 000 Synonyme zu mehr als 20 000 Stichwörtern helfen dabei, immer den passenden Ausdruck zu finden. Mit vielen hilfreichen Gebrauchshinweisen zu brisanten Wörte...
500 typische Redewendungen der deutschen Alltagssprache, thematisch 9 Kapiteln zugeordnet Auf den linken Seiten die Redewendungen mit Erklarungen und Kontextbeispielen, unterstutzt durch oroginelle Za...
Also known as MDZS, this full-color comic adaptation of the New York Times bestselling novels–which inspired a wildly popular animated series as well as the live-action show The Untamed–will be publi...
After a brush with a renegade deity, Lan Wangji invites Wei Wuxian back to the Lan Clan of Gusu. But Lan Wangji seems different from the young man Wei Wuxian used to know. This Lan Wangji keeps a sec...
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian arrive at a desolate city where the bodies of massacred clan members rest uneasily in their graves. A cold case here once shocked the major cultivation clans–and the murdere...
Wei Wuxian’s studies come to an abrupt end when he picks a fight with a young master of the Jin Clan. A lifetime later, he wakes from his dream of days gone by to find he’s still unraveling the myste...
To escape the villainous scheming of Xue Yang, A-Qing is determined to flee, and take her companion Xiao Xingchen along with her. But Xiao Xingchen cannot shake his sense of responsibility–he resolve...
Seeking the truth behind Xiao Xingchen’s death, Wei Wuxian uses the dangerous power of “Empathy” to gaze into the past. He discovers that years ago, the newly blinded Xiao Xingchen journeyed to the r...
2 CDs zum Lektionsteil Fuhrt in drei Banden zum neuen Europaischen Sprachenzertifikat Spannend durch interessante Themen und Texte Linearer Aufbau und ausgewogene Progression Forderung des freien Spre...
Adam Smith was a philosopher before he ever wrote about economics, yet until now there has never been a philosophical commentary on the Wealth of Nations. Samuel Fleischacker suggests that Smith's vas...
Volume 2 of TERB 3ed covers the convergence of telephony and data transport, including wireless networks. Now that data is becoming the predominant source of traffic more efficient multiplexing scheme...
El Nuevo Curso, die neue Art., Spanisch zu lernen: - spannend durch interessante Themen und Texte - linearer Aufbau und ausgewogene Progression - handlungsorientiert und am Niveau B1 ausgerichtet - Le...
This volume covers Darwin's reception across Europe and his influence on European science and culture.Charles Darwin is a crucial figure in nineteenth-century science with an extensive and varied rece...
Zestaw pytań i odpowiedzi dotyczących trzech krajów niemieckojęzycznych: Niemiec, Austrii i Szwajcarii.