
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lat do nato", znaleziono 50

Puste granice: Ogród grzeszników #2
Puste granice: Ogród grzeszników #2
Kinoko Nasu
Cykl: Puste granice, tom 2

Po przebudzeniu się z dwuletniej śpiączki, Shiki Ryōgi traci pamięć, ale w zamian zyskuje Mistyczne Oczy Widzenia Śmierci, które pozwalają jej zobaczyć śmierć wszelkich bytów. Odbijający się w nożu Sh...

Puste granice: Ogród grzeszników #3
Puste granice: Ogród grzeszników #3
Kinoko Nasu
Cykl: Puste granice, tom 3

Na drodze Shiki Ryōgi i jej przyjaciela, Mikiyi Kokutō, ponownie staje psychopatyczny morderca. Spotkanie odrażającej istoty pobudza dręczący Shiki „morderczy impuls”. Czy u kresu, do którego zmierzaj...

List do nienarodzonego dziecka
5 wydań
List do nienarodzonego dziecka
Oriana Fallaci

Nie jestem kobietą z tej książki. Co najwyżej ją przypominam, tak jak może ją przypominać jakakolwiek kobieta naszych czasów, która żyje w pojedynkę, pracuje i myśli. Właśnie po to, żeby każda kobieta...

NATO Renewed
NATO Renewed
S. Rynning

This book provides an overview of what has happened to NATO from the closing stages of the Cold War to the new era of international terrorism. However, it is more than that. It also argues that NATO h...

Nato at Fifty
Nato at Fifty
S. Eisenhower

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization turned 50 years old in April of 1999. With the expansion of membership to include Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, the Alliance undertook increased secur...

Future NATO Security
Future NATO Security
Martin Edmonds

NATO has years of intellectual and practical international security investment and is committed to addressing new threats, including that of trans-national terrorism, under the 1999 New Strategic Conc...

EU-NATO Relationship
EU-NATO Relationship
Martin Reichard

The EU-NATO relationship continues to develop at a time of significant change for both organizations. Post 9/11, NATO embarked on a fundamental transformation, recasting itself as an organization with...

NATO Divided NATO United Evolution of an Alliance
NATO Divided NATO United Evolution of an Alliance
Lawrence S. Kaplan

This history of NATO concentrates on the differences within the alliance, particularly between the US and its European partners. NATO's "war on terror" began on September 11, 2001, as members united i...

NATO Enlargement Illusions & Reality
NATO Enlargement Illusions & Reality
Barbara Corny, Ted Galen

NATO enlargement reflects a failure on the part of policymakers to recognize new strategic realities--and that failure could have dangerous unintended consequeces

Nato Future of European Security
Nato Future of European Security
Sean Kay

Tracing NATO's formative years, its Cold War development, and its post-Cold War evolution, Sean Kay draws on his policy experience in Brussels and Washington to provide unique insights into contempora...

NATO Major Warships USA & Canada
NATO Major Warships USA & Canada
Eric Grove

Specifications, technical data, b/w silhouettes and b/w photographs of North American warships at the start of the 1990's. 132pp. Oblong format book. Previous owner's name stamp on fixed endpaper. A p...

Dangerous Crossroads Europe Russia & Future of Nato
Dangerous Crossroads Europe Russia & Future of Nato
Hall Gardner

Gardner explores the global ramifications of the NATO-Russian relationship. He examines NATO's Partnership for Peace initiative as it relates to Russia, and he argues that NATO risks provoking Russia ...

Defending Europe NATO & Quest for European Autonomy
Defending Europe NATO & Quest for European Autonomy
Jolyon Howorth

Defending Europe seeks to clarify the competing ambitions, the contrasting visions and the trans-Atlantic tensions related to the recent quest by Europe for autonomy in the sphere of security and defe...

Enlargement of the European Union and NATO
Enlargement of the European Union and NATO
Wade Jacoby

In 2004 the European Union and NATO each added ten new member states, most from the post-communist countries of Eastern and Central Europe. In order to prepare for membership, these countries had to m...

NATO & Eastern Europe After 2000 Strategic Interactions with
NATO & Eastern Europe After 2000 Strategic Interactions with
L. Paquette

NATO is acutely aware of its increased status as a force for stability in a drastically altered Atlantic community. The number of its initiatives is on the increase just as a new political, economic a...

Defending Europe the EU NATO & the Quest for European Autono
Defending Europe the EU NATO & the Quest for European Autono
Jolyon Howorth

Defending Europe seeks to clarify the competing ambitions, the contrasting visions and the trans-Atlantic tensions related to the recent quest by Europe for autonomy in the sphere of security and defe...

Hegemony & Culture in the Origins of NATO Nuclear First-Use
Hegemony & Culture in the Origins of NATO Nuclear First-Use
Andrew M. Johnston

Johnston argues that the preemptive first-use of nuclear weapons, long the foundation of American nuclear strategy, was not the carefully reasoned response to a growing Soviet conventional threat. Ins...

America's New Allies: Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic in NATO
America's New Allies: Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic in NATO
Andrew A. Michta

America's New Allies analyzes the strengths and liabilities of three formerSoviet satellite nations — Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic— that joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Mar...

Securing Civilization? The EU, NATO and the OSCE in the Post-9/11 World
Securing Civilization? The EU, NATO and the OSCE in the Post-9/11 World
Prof. Alexandra Gheciu

This book examines the practices enacted by three key institutions of the transatlantic security community-the EU, NATO and the OSCE--in the name of combating international terrorism, and analyzes th...

Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Systems (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)
Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Systems (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)
Ashok K. Vaseashta, Ion N. Mihailescu

This book arises from the NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) titled 'Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices, and Systems for chem.-bio Sensors, Photonics, and Energy Generation and Storage' held...

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