Nowa książka autorki głośnych „Pasztetów do boju”: oryginalna powieść o niespełnionej miłości buzująca od ironii, pełnego energii, slamowo-hiphopowego stylu i lekkich rymów. Gdy spotkali się po ra...
The ability to synthesize defined molecular clusters of main group metals and nonmetals has greatly spurred development in cluster science. Clusters of main group elements such as boron, gallium and s...
Stary przerdzewiały frachtowiec nie budzi żadnych podejrzeń. Nikt nie przypuszcza, ze w rzeczywistości "Oregon" to supernowoczesny okręt szpiegowski, a dowodzona przez kapitana Cabrillo załoga wykonuj...
Współczesne opowiadania arabskie Wybór i wstęp Jolanta Kozłowska. Skarżynska-Bocheńska).
In the decade since publication of the first edition of Crystallographic Methods and Protocols the field has seen several major developments that have both accelerated the pace of structure determinat...
Macromolecular Crystallography Protocols, now in two volumes, examines major developments that have occurred since publication of the acclaimed first edition nearly a decade ago. Volume 1, Preparation...
Chromatography is a major analytical technique that is used throughout research, development and manufacturing in the pharmaceutical, medical device and associated industries. To demonstrate fitness f...
Solaris is a widely used version of UNIX and for the first time Solaris is open source with version 10 (released JAN 2005). This book explains--from the designers themselves--how Solaris was built and...