
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lata dana", znaleziono 288

XX wiek : daty, fakty, opinie. [4], 1945-1956
XX wiek : daty, fakty, opinie. [4], 1945-1956
Piotr Radzikowski

Kapitulacja Niemiec kończyła wojnę w Europie (na Dalekim Wschodzie walki trwały nadal - jeszcze przez kilka miesięcy), ale nie oznaczała końca problemów, przed jakimi stanęli przywódcy sojuszniczych m...

Swarm Intelligence for Multi objective Problems in Data
Swarm Intelligence for Multi objective Problems in Data
C. Coello

The purpose of this book is to collect contributions that are at the intersection of multi-objective optimization, swarm intelligence (specifically, particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimiza...

Metody Data Mining w analizowaniu i prognozowaniu kondycji ekonomicznej przedsiębiorstw
Metody Data Mining w analizowaniu i prognozowaniu kondycji ekonomicznej przedsiębiorstw
Mirosława Lasek

Prezentowana praca przedstawia zastosowanie metod Data Mining do analizy i prognozowania kondycji ekonomicznej (finansowej i majątkowej) przedsiębiorstw. Metody Data Mining nie są jeszcze zbyt popular...

XX wiek : daty, fakty, opinie. [5], 1956-1968
XX wiek : daty, fakty, opinie. [5], 1956-1968
Piotr Radzikowski

Po śmierci Stalina i pierwszych ostrożnych krokach przywódców sowieckich wydawało się, że jest szansa na złagodzenie napięcia światowego. W lipcu 1955 r. Chruszczow i Bułganin spotkali się w Genewie z...

Cyfryzacja życia w erze Big Data. Człowiek - Biznes - Państwo
Cyfryzacja życia w erze Big Data. Człowiek - Biznes - Państwo
Jerzy Surma

Korzystając ze smartfona, serwisów społecznościowych, poczty elektronicznej czy kart kredytowych pozostawiamy ślady cyfrowe, które podlegają, z wykorzystaniem metod Big Data, analizie na poziomie poje...

Data science od podstaw. Analiza danych w Pythonie, wydanie 2
Data science od podstaw. Analiza danych w Pythonie, wydanie 2
Joel Grus

Analityka danych jest uważana za wyjątkowo obiecującą dziedzinę wiedzy. Rozwija się błyskawicznie i znajduje coraz to nowsze zastosowania. Profesjonaliści biegli w eksploracji danych i wydobywaniu z ...

Data Mining. Eksploracja danych w sieciach społecznościowych, wydanie 3
Data Mining. Eksploracja danych w sieciach społecznościowych, wydanie 3
Matthew A. Russell, Mikhail Klassen

To trzecie, zaktualizowane wydanie popularnego podręcznika dla osób, które chcą zająć się wydobywaniem danych z sieci społecznościowych. Uwzględniono tu zmiany interfejsów API wprowadzone do poszczegó...

Mass Spectral & GC Data of Drugs Poisons Pesticides Pollutan
Mass Spectral & GC Data of Drugs Poisons Pesticides Pollutan
K. Pfleger

This unique collection contains data obtained from clinical samples over the course of more than 20 years. It encompasses 7500 potentially harmful substances, from simple analgesics to designer drugs,...

Big Data w przemyśle. Jak wykorzystać analizę danych do optymalizacji kosztów procesów?
Big Data w przemyśle. Jak wykorzystać analizę danych do optymalizacji kosztów procesów?
Hyunjoung Lee, Il Sohn

Najnowsza książka dotycząca Big Data przedstawia zastosowanie tego narzędzia analitycznego w przemyśle. Prezentuje rozwiązania, które coraz szerzej będą stosowane w coraz większej liczbie firm z różny...

Democratic Values and Protest Behavior. Harmonization of Data from International Survey Projects
Democratic Values and Protest Behavior. Harmonization of Data from International Survey Projects
Kazimierz M. Słomczyński, Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, J. Craig Jenkins

Across the world, mass political protest has shaped the course of modern history. Building on decades of theory, we hypothesize that the extent and intensity of political protest is a function of micr...

Architects' Data
Architects' Data
Ernst Neufert

This work should be a useful aid in the initial design and planning of a building project. Organized largely by building type (from airports to zoos), it covers user requirements, planning criteria, b...

Data Lifecycles
Data Lifecycles
Roger Reid

Despite the fact that plenty of storage products are now available, the challenge remains for companies to understand how to align the software to the various departments, divisions, geographical loca...

Data Mining
3 wydania
Data Mining
T. Lin, S. Chakrabarti

This book brings all of the elements of data mining together in a single volume, saving the reader the time and expense of making multiple purchases. It consolidates both introductory and advanced top...

Inescapable Data
Inescapable Data
C. Stakutis

How "data everywhere" transforms business, technology, and the way you liveA pioneering look at grand, new efficiencies forthcomingAs communications, computing, and data storage converge, data is beco...

Data Strategy
Data Strategy
Sid Adelman, Larissa Moss, Majid Abai

Without a data strategy, the people within an organization have no guidelines for making decisions that are absolutely crucial to the success of the IT organization and to the entire organization. Th...

Data Collection
Data Collection
C. Stawarski

"Data Collection" is the second of six books in the "Measurement and Evaluation Series" from Pfeiffer. The proven ROI Methodology - developed by the ROI Institute - provides a practical system for eva...

Portrait de Femmes : Lady Diana
Portrait de Femmes : Lady Diana
Sanoko Azuma, Natsuko Wada

Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS
Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS
M. Refaat

Are you a data mining analyst, who spends up to 80% of your time assuring data quality, then preparing that data for developing and deploying predictive models? And do you find lots of literature on d...

Data Communications Networking
Data Communications Networking
Behrouz A. Forouzan

As one of the fastest growing technologies in our culture today, data communications and networking presents a unique challenge for instructors. As both the number and types of students are increasing...

Data Model Patterns
Data Model Patterns
D. Hay

In recent years, companies and government agencies have come to realize that the data they use represent a significant corporate resource, whose cost calls for management every bit as rigorous as the ...

Java Data Mining
Java Data Mining
M. Hornick

Whether you are a software developer, systems architect, data analyst, or business analyst, if you want to take advantage of data mining in the development of advanced analytic applications, Java Data...

Data & Probability Connections
Data & Probability Connections
M. Perkowski

This book is for future middle school math teachers. Part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation to improve the quality of mathematics and science teaching in grades K-12, this new tex...

Introduction to Data Mining
Introduction to Data Mining
Pang Ning Tan

Introduction to Data Mining presents fundamental concepts and algorithms for those learning data mining for the first time. Each concept is explored thoroughly and supported with numerous examples. Th...

Functional Data Analysis
Functional Data Analysis
J. Ramsay

Scientists today collect samples of curves and other functional observations. This monograph presents many ideas and techniques for such data. Included are expressions in the functional domain of such...

Multimedia Data Hiding
Multimedia Data Hiding
W. Min Aun

With the advances of the digital information revolution and the societal changes they have prompted, it has become critical to facilitate secure management of content usage and delivery across communi...

Market Data Explained
Market Data Explained
M. Alvarez

This book is intended to provide a guide to the universe of data content produced by the global capital markets on a daily basis. Commonly referred to as market data, the universe of content is very w...

Handling Qualitative Data
Handling Qualitative Data
L. Richards

`At the end of each chapter the author maps out the pragmatic steps required to progress a qualitative research study and the associated analysis of data. This is accompanied by experiential exercises...

Subnational Data Requirements
Subnational Data Requirements

The need for subnational demographic, social, economic, and fiscal data in designing effective intergovernmental fiscal systems is becoming increasingly evident. This title summarizes the findings of ...

Mining Imperfect Data
Mining Imperfect Data
K. Pearson

This book thoroughly discusses the varying problems that occur in data mining, including their sources, consequences, detection, and treatment. Specific strategies for data pretreatment and analytical...

Interpreting Qualitative Data
Interpreting Qualitative Data
D. Silverman

In this exciting and major updating of one the most important textbooks for beginning qualitative researchers, David Silverman seeks to match the typical chronology of experience faced by the student-...

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