
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lead dorotka", znaleziono 7

Markiz Donatien de Sade
Markiz Donatien de Sade
Katarzyna Żaczkiewicz
Seria: Życie w Anegdotach

Référence discursive dans les langues romanes et slaves : actes du Colloque International de Linguistique Textuelle, Lublin 24-30 septembre 2000
Référence discursive dans les langues romanes et slaves : actes du Colloque International de Linguistique Textuelle, Lublin 24-30 septembre 2000

Wybór referatów z trzeciego kolokwium lingwistycznego, które odbyło się w Lublinie. Książka w języku francuskim.

What Can Be Done'
What Can Be Done'
J. Lloyd

"What Can Be Done?" makes an important contribution to public debate in Britain about the relationship between the media and politics, focusing in particular on the damage the media do to politics and...

Doing Your Research Project 5e
Doing Your Research Project 5e
Jonathan Bell

Step-by-step advice on completing an outstanding research project.Research can be daunting, particularly for first-timers, but this indispensable book provides everything you need to know to prepare f...

Doing Child and Adolescent Therapy 2e
Doing Child and Adolescent Therapy 2e
Richard Bromfield

This readable guide for therapists and therapists-in-training lays out the theoretical essence and practical essentials of doing child and adolescent psychotherapy, from the referral call to the last ...

Doing Data Analysis with SPSS 4e
Doing Data Analysis with SPSS 4e
R. Carver

Now updated for SPSS 14.0, International Edition this book is an excellent supplement to any introductory statistics course. It provides a practical and useful introduction to SPSS 14.0 and enables st...

Dialogus de Scaccario, and Constitutio Domus Regis: The Dialogue of the Exchequer
Dialogus de Scaccario, and Constitutio Domus Regis: The Dialogue of the Exchequer
A. Amt, S. D. Church

This new edition contains the texts and translations of two key documents in medieval English history. The Dialogus de Scaccario, or Dialogue of the Exchequer, written by Richard fitzNigel - an inside...

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