Ta niezwykła publikacja łączy w sobie malarskie i poetyckie widzenie świata. Jest to fotograficzna opowieść o urodzie polskiego lasu, dopełniona fragmentami poezji i prozy najwybitniejszych pisarzy po...
Album \Lasy Polski\" pokazuje unikalne w skali Europy bogactwo naszych lasów. Autor tekstu, znawca tematyki leśnej Edward Marszałek prowadzi przez wszystkie najważniejsze typy lasów występujących w Po...
Urozmaicony wybór doświadczeń wprowadzających dzieci w świat nauki, technologii, inżynierii i matematyki. TheDadLab ma dziś ponad 3 miliony fanów i status internetowej sensacji. Jego twórca, pełnoet...
„The collection of papers show the different destinations arrived AT by those of us who began our journeys in Matysiak‘s rat lab at the University of Warsaw – physical destinations, such as Washington...
Photo journalists are constantly hunting for the right moment. Now you can admire the fruits of their labors in this volume of photographs - we guarantee you wont be able to tear yourself away once yo...
Molecular simulation is an emerging technology for determining the properties of many systems that are of interest to the oil and gas industry, and more generally to the chemical industry. Based on a ...
Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Economics - Foreign Trade Theory, Trade Policy, grade: Honors, Fordham University School of Law, language: English, abstract: This case study on Daimler...
The report is an attempt at a comprehensive analysis of economic and social considerations related to unconventional gas exploration and production in Poland and its individual regions. The report enc...
As Flagg's influence continues to draw Nadine and Harold further towards madness and destruction, the Free Zone Committee makes their first play against the Kingdom of Evil: They will send three spies...
Famine. Death. War. Pestilence. These are the harbingers of the biblical apocalypse, of the End of the World. In science fiction, the end is triggered by less figurative means: nuclear holocaust, biol...
Timeless, peaceful, and remote, the watery Lincolnshire fens seem an unlikely setting for murder. But two women - a notorious actress and a servant girl - have been killed there in the space of two we...
'What if she isn't happy - does she think men are happy in this world? Doesn't she know how lucky she is to be a woman?' The pioneering Betty Friedan here identifies the strange problem plaguing Ameri...
In Kishore Mahbubani's timely polemic, he argues passionately that the West can no longer presume to impose its ideology on the world, and crucially, that it must stop seeking to intervene, politicall...
Once upon a time all frogs had beady little eyes...until one frog boasted that he could stare longer than anyone. Joung Un Kim's bold colors and stylized artwork are as spirited and amusing as the hil...
Understanding the molecular interactions responsible for chiral recognition is of primary importance in life chemistry. Gas-phase experiments on either neutral or ionic adducts of chiral molecules all...
Scooby-Doo and his pals are looking for clues to crack the case of the haunted laboratory. And now kids can help the gang solve the mystery! Using their bind-in decoders, kids hunt for clues that are ...
Science tells us that an oil crisis is inevitable. Why and when? And what will our future look like without our favourite fuel? Our rate of oil discovery has reached its peak and will never be exceede...
This book explores the economic challenges involved in managing hydrocarbon wealth in the Caspian region, and looks at how to design an optimal energy policy. The book draws on the Author's experience...
Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide is designed to support your learning the technologies and network services required by converged applications as taught in Version 4 of the Cis...
Victorian-style public/private standoffs in the United Kingdom have emerged again, with prudential crises in pensions, education, health, communications, and transport. Professor Offer's text constitu...
Work at the biology bench requires an ever-increasing knowledge of mathematical methods and formulae. In "Lab Math", Dany Spencer Adams has compiled the most common mathematical concepts and methods i...