
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lew z dior", znaleziono 92

Handbook of Law & Economics v 1
Handbook of Law & Economics v 1

Law can be viewed as a body of rules and legal sanctions that channel behavior in socially desirable directions for example, by encouraging individuals to take proper precautions to prevent accidents ...

Handbook of Law & Economics v 2
Handbook of Law & Economics v 2
Alan Mitchell Polinsky, Steven Shavell

Law can be viewed as a body of rules and legal sanctions that channel behavior in socially desirable directions for example, by encouraging individuals to take proper precautions to prevent accidents ...

Principles of European Law v 7
Principles of European Law v 7
C. von Bar

The Study Group on a European Civil Code has taken upon itself the task of drafting common European principles for the most important aspects of the law of obligations and for certain parts of the law...

A Practical Approach to Trade Mark Law
A Practical Approach to Trade Mark Law
A. Michaels, Andrew Norris

The A Practical Approach series is the perfect partner for practice work. Each title focuses on one field of the law, providing a comprehensive overview of the subject together with clear, practical ...

Law as a Means to an End
Law as a Means to an End
B. Tamanaha

The contemporary U.S. legal culture is marked by ubiquitous battles among various groups attempting to seize control of the law and wield it against others in pursuit of their particular agenda. This ...

Code of International Labour Law 3 vols
Code of International Labour Law 3 vols
N. Rubin

The Code of International Labour Law brings together for the first time in coherent sequence the entire range of materials relating to international labour law, as adopted by the International Labour ...

Gale Encyclopedia Of Everyday Law 2 vols
Gale Encyclopedia Of Everyday Law 2 vols

What is involved in estate planning? What can I do legally if I have noisy neighbors? What are the consequences of an expired visa? The Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law fills a much-needed gap betwee...

New Directions in Copyright Law v 3
New Directions in Copyright Law v 3
Fiona Macmillan

Acclaim for volume 1: 'Copyright is increasingly broad in scope and the range of perspectives that can be applied to study it is equally wide - not just IP law but legal philosophy, economics, cultura...

International Themes in Business Law 5 Vols
International Themes in Business Law 5 Vols
S. Hardy

With contributions from the main stakeholders in the field, including company lawyers as well as leading scholars, this four volume collection of classic and contemporary articles maps out the key iss...

Teachings of Modern Christianity on Law v 2
Teachings of Modern Christianity on Law v 2
J. Witte

This is a major project to be undertaken as part of a broad intiative of the Pew Charitable Trusts and the University of Notre Dame on the role of Christianity in modern society. John Witte is one of ...

International Criminal Law Practitioner Library v 2
International Criminal Law Practitioner Library v 2
G. Boas

Volume II of the International Criminal Law Practitioner Library series focuses on the core categories of international crimes: crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes. The authors present a...

Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law 2 vols
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law 2 vols
B. Cutler

The interdisciplinary field of psychology and law appeals to students, psychological scientists, psychologist practitioners, and members of the legal and public policy professions, such as lawyers, ju...

Yearbook of European Environmental Law v 1
Yearbook of European Environmental Law v 1

The Yearbook of European Environmental Lawis a joint venture among leading academics, practitioners, and European Community officials. Academics and students will find a wealth of information in the s...

Patent Law a Handbook of Contemporary Research
Patent Law a Handbook of Contemporary Research
Toshiko Takenaka

This major new Handbook provides a comprehensive research source for patent protection in three major jurisdictions: the United States, Europe and Japan. Leading patent scholars and practitioners join...

New Directions in Copyright Law v 4
New Directions in Copyright Law v 4
Fiona Macmillan

This fourth volume in the series contains further exploration of the main themes considered in the first three volumes and brings together perspectives on copyright from law and legal theory, politica...

Cases and Materials on EU Law 9/e
Cases and Materials on EU Law 9/e
S. Weatherill

As the only text on the market to focus exclusively on presenting cases and materials, this unique selection of extracts supports and illustrates the points of law covered in typical European Union la...

Dane & Thomas How to Use a Law Library
Dane & Thomas How to Use a Law Library
Philip Thomas

The fourth edition of the practical guide to researching or tracing legal information, designed to help users find the material they need with the minimum of effort and to use it with confidence. It s...

How to be a Good Mother-in-Law
How to be a Good Mother-in-Law

Everyone knows a joke about mothers-in-law, but what are the golden rules you need to become a popular one? The authors of this pioneering guide, first published in the 1930s, aimed to dramatically im...

New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics & Law - 3 vols.
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics & Law - 3 vols.
Peter Newman

A great deal of economics is about law - the functioning of markets, property rights and their enforcement, financial obligations, and so forth - yet these legal aspects are almost never addressed in ...

Current Developments in Monetary & Financial Law v 1
Current Developments in Monetary & Financial Law v 1

The papers published in this volume are based on an IMF seminar held in 1998 covering a broad range of topics dealing with monetary and financial law. Topics presented at the seminar focused on the li...

Construction Law & Risk Management Case Notes v 2
Construction Law & Risk Management Case Notes v 2
J. Holland

This book compiles and organizes case notes, articles, and papers written by well known and respected attorneys and professional consultants for original publication in a number of newsletters. Articl...

Q & A Law of Torts 2009 and 2010
Q & A Law of Torts 2009 and 2010
D. Oughton

No matter how good your research and study skills, the ultimate test for the law student is the exam. This book explains how to tackle successfully the sort of problems and essay questions typically f...

Q&A European Union Law 2009-2010 7e
Q&A European Union Law 2009-2010 7e
M. Cuthbert

"Routledge-Cavendish Q&As" are your path to exam success! Has the thought of facing your law exams left you feeling completely overwhelmed? Are you staring at the mountain of revision in front of you ...

Not Above the Law. Level 3 Lower Intermediate
Not Above the Law. Level 3 Lower Intermediate
Richard MacAndrew

Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's cap...

Forensic Evidence Science and the Criminal Law 2 ed
Forensic Evidence Science and the Criminal Law 2 ed
Kiely Terrence

Highlights discussions of recent literature reviews from Interpol's 14th Forensic Science Symposium Presents current legal decisions for all forensic sciences discussed Considers the legal angle on "W...

Customary International Humanitarian Law 3vols(t.1+t.2I/2II)
Customary International Humanitarian Law 3vols(t.1+t.2I/2II)
Jean-Marie Henckaerts

In 1996, the International Committee of the Red Cross, alongside a range of renowned experts, embarked upon a major international study into current state practice in international humanitarian law in...

World Bank Review Law and Justice for Development v.1
World Bank Review Law and Justice for Development v.1

Sustainable poverty reduction and equitable economic development depend on the solid foundation of the rule of law. These reforms are underpinned by legal reform, whether it be to increase efficiency ...

European Union Law For the Twenty-first Century V 2
European Union Law For the Twenty-first Century V 2
Takis Tridimas

This book, to be published in two volumes, is based on the contributions made to the W.G. Hart Workshop 2003. It contains more than forty contributions by leading experts seeking to assess the state o...

European Union Law For the Twenty-first Century V 1
European Union Law For the Twenty-first Century V 1
Takis Tridimas

This book is based on contributions made to the WG Hart Workshop 2003. It contains articles by leading experts seeking to assess the state of development of EU law some fifty years after the establish...

Principles Definitions & Model Rules of Eu. Priv. Law 6 vols
Principles Definitions & Model Rules of Eu. Priv. Law 6 vols
C. von Bar

A major authority for the future development of European Private Law This landmark reference work marks the culmination of over 20 years' research into the history and potential future of European pri...

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