
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "libya do nas", znaleziono 3

Berlitz Libya
Berlitz Libya

"Berlitz Pocket Guide: Libya" covers all the main sights, area by area, in a handy, compact format. Descriptions of tourist attractions include Tripoli's medina, markets and National Museum, the magni...

Libya TSK 2e
2 wydania
Libya TSK 2e
praca zbiorowa

Provides advice on outdoor activities, world heritage sites like the Jebel Acacus and some of the exceptional desert scenery in Africa. This work also contains colour highlights, itineraries, walking ...

Libya - Culture Smart
Libya - Culture Smart
R. Jones

"Culture Smart! Libya" provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behaviour in Libya, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitiv...

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