Te małe książeczki, Jaskółki, nie są zwiastunami wiosny, lecz zapowiedzią znakomitej zabawy w czasie nauki języka obcego! Cora - bohaterka tych książeczek dzięki jaskółkom poznała angielski i niemieck...
Problem: Women full of impossible contradictions. Result: Bewilderment. Misunderstanding. Anger. Solution: Not known. Complicated by fact that you are also full of impossible contradictions. Down-but-...
A special film tie-in edition of the heart-warming story about the World's Worst Dog, adapted from John Grogan's phenomenally bestselling memoir, Marley and Me.
What's more fun than a barrel full of monkeys? How about a house full of'em? Kids will love poking the dots and hearing them pop as they learn tocount down from ten in the favorite childhood rhyme "Te...
The second time's the charm: Movie 2 has twice the chills, thrills, gags, and laughs as the Movie 1. This collection -- with over 200 jokes based on the live-action box office smash -- is sure to tick...
Dogs are better than men. It's obvious! They are cheaper and easier to please. They are always over the moon to see you, loyal to the last and don't care when you put on weight. And when was the last ...