
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "longo do art", znaleziono 4

Ars longa - vita brevis : tradycyjne i nowoczesne metody badania dzieł sztuki : materiały z sesji naukowej poświęconej pamięci profesora Zbigniewa Brochwicza, Toruń 18-19 X 2002
Ars longa - vita brevis : tradycyjne i nowoczesne metody badania dzieł sztuki : materiały z sesji naukowej poświęconej pamięci profesora Zbigniewa Brochwicza, Toruń 18-19 X 2002

W lutym 2002 roku minęła dziesiąta rocznica śmierci profesora Zbigniewa Brochwicza (1924?1992), długoletniego kierownika Zakładu Technologii i Technik Malarskich w Instytucie Zabytkoznawstwa i Konserw...

Art of Dressing Long Hair
Art of Dressing Long Hair
Guy Kremer, Jacki Wadeson

Internationally renowned Guy Kremer is famous in the hairdressing world for both his elegance and style and his cutting and styling skills. Guy?s hairdressing expertise is regularly showcased in leadi...

Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Design The State of the Art
Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Design The State of the Art

This report contains a valuable summary of state-of-the-art groundwater monitoring network designs and was prepared for the needs of analysts and practitioners. The Task Committee on Long-Term Groundw...

US Army Long-Range Patrol Scout in Vietnam 1965-71
US Army Long-Range Patrol Scout in Vietnam 1965-71
Gordon L. Rottman

The Vietnamese knew the Long-Range Patrol Scouts as "the men with green faces," a reference to the camouflage paint that they used. Operating in patrols of four to six men these men were like ghosts, ...

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