
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lub o dover", znaleziono 13

Homoseksualizm grecki
Homoseksualizm grecki
Kenneth James Dover

Kompletna naukowa monografia zjawiska społecznego stanowiącego ważny, a często lekceważony lub wstydliwie pomijany element kultury antycznej. Analiza znaczenia, rzeczywistej postaci oraz sposobu funkc...

Antropologia antyku greckiego
Antropologia antyku greckiego
Włodzimierz Lengauer, Marek Węcowski, James Redfield, Jacob Burckhardt ...
Seria: Wiedza o kulturze

Zagadnienia i wybór tekstów W książce znajdzie Czytelnik teksty historyków starożytności i filologów klasycznych, które łączy przekonanie, że współczesne badanie kultury starożytnej Grecji nie może p...

Musical Structure & Design(Dover)
Musical Structure & Design(Dover)
Cedric Davie

How Western composers from 16th to 20th century met changing structural requirements mandated by different musical styles. Nature and function of concerto, sonata, etc., clarified with nonmusical anal...

Bach Well Tempered Clavier(Dover)
Bach Well Tempered Clavier(Dover)
Jan Sebastian Bach

All 48 preludes and fugues from Books I and II, in all major and minor keys, are reproduced here directly from the authoritative Bach-Gesellschaft edition, with engraving that is beautiful, clear, and...

Browning Sonnets From Portuguese(Dover)
Browning Sonnets From Portuguese(Dover)
E. Browning

Famed series of 44 love poems written to the poets husband, Robert Browning, plus a selection of other poems.

Six Dali Paintings Cards(Dover)
Six Dali Paintings Cards(Dover)

Bizarre works from controversial artists, including Enchanted Beach with Three Fluid Graces (1938), Disappearing Bust of Voltaire (1941), four more.

Schenker Five Graphic Music Analysis(Dover)
Schenker Five Graphic Music Analysis(Dover)

Voice-leading, tonal coherence in graphic notation, entire works: J. S. Bach, Chorale from St. Matthew Passion; 1st Prelude, Well-Tempered Clavier; Haydn, E-flat Major Sonata; Chopin, Etudes 8, 12, Op...

Fowke Songs of Work & Protest(Dover)
Fowke Songs of Work & Protest(Dover)
Edith Fowke

Provides lyrics, music, and chord notation for work and protest songs and discusses each tune's significance in the labor movement.

Elizabeth Rogers Her Virginal Book (Dover)
Elizabeth Rogers Her Virginal Book (Dover)
Charles Cofone

All 112 pieces from noted 1656 manuscript, most never before published. Composers include Thomas Brewer, William Byrd, Orlando Gibbons, etc.

Technical Manual & Dictionary of Classical Ball(Dover)
Technical Manual & Dictionary of Classical Ball(Dover)
G. Grant

From adagio to voyage, over 800 steps, movements, poses, and concepts are fully defined. A pronunciation guide, cross-references to alternate names for similar steps and positions that vary from the R...

Popular Songs of 19th Centaury America(Dover)
Popular Songs of 19th Centaury America(Dover)
Richard Jackson

Here are 64 of the most popular American songs of the 19th century, reproduced from their original editions, complete with sheet music covers. Each song is set in a full piano arrangement and includes...

A Fighter's Desire: Part Two
A Fighter's Desire: Part Two
L.P. Dover
Cykl: Gloves Off, tom 1

Second installment - prequel novella to the Gloves Off series. This story follows several of my fighters but focuses on one, Tyler Rushing, who not only fights in the ring, but fights against his desi...

Tyler's Undoing
Tyler's Undoing
L.P. Dover
Cykl: Gloves Off, tom 1

She was what he wanted … but she was also his undoing. Through mutual understanding, Tyler’s secret affair with Gabriella Reynolds has come to an end. It was a decision that not only saved their frie...

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