
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lwie doman", znaleziono 5

Hawkeye: L.A. Woman
Hawkeye: L.A. Woman
Matt Fraction, Javier Pulido, Annie Wu
Cykl: Hawkeye, tom 3
Seria: Marvel NOW!

Trzeci tom błyskotliwej, wielokrotnie nagradzanej serii o codziennych przygodach pary Hawkeye’ów. Tym razem Kate Bishop wyrusza do Los Angeles, aby uciec od Nowego Jorku i Clinta Bartona. Wkrótce pode...

Alternative Dispute Resolution: From Roman Law to Contemporary Regulations
Alternative Dispute Resolution: From Roman Law to Contemporary Regulations

Wykładowcy polskich i hiszpańskich uniwersytetów, prawnicy i politolodzy, rozważają kwestie związane z funkcjonowaniem i przyszłością Unii Europejskiej. Dokąd, my Europejczycy zmierzamy i dokąd prowad...

Roman Law Contemporary Law European Law
Roman Law Contemporary Law European Law
R. Zimmermann

Legal history helps us to understand modern law. This book contains the text on which Professor Zimmermann's October 1999 Clarendon lectures at the University of Oxford were based. The lectures combin...

The Roman Law Tradition
The Roman Law Tradition
D. J. Ibbetson, Andrew D. E. Lewis

The law developed by the ancient Romans remains a powerful legal and political instrument today. In The Roman Law Tradition a general editorial introduction complements a series of more detailed essay...

Roman Law in European History
Roman Law in European History
P. Stein

This is a short and succinct summary of the unique position of Roman law in European culture by one of the world's leading legal historians. Peter Stein's masterly study assesses the impact of Roman l...

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