
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "ma co dots", znaleziono 7

Circles & Dots
Circles & Dots
M. Hampshire

The second in this highly collectible new series translates the language of circles and dots in design. This colorful, image-packed book showcases stunning examples of designs that incorporate these f...

Znajdź kropki
Znajdź kropki
Andy Mansfield

Czy to książka? Łamigłówka? Może ćwiczenie z geometrii? Andy Mansfield zaprasza do wyjątkowego świata kolorowych kropek, które ukryły się w najbardziej zaskakujących miejscach. Popchnij, pociągnij, ...

Quantum Dots & Nanowires
Quantum Dots & Nanowires
Supriyo Bandyopadhyay

Quantum Dots and Nanowires provides coverage on various emerging aspects of quantum dots and nanowires. This book covers recent advances in physical and chemical synthetic approaches, processing and f...

Nanocrystal Quantum Dots
Nanocrystal Quantum Dots
V. Klimov

Reflecting recent advancements in colloidal nanocrystals and quantum-confined nanostructures, this second edition focuses on the semiconductor nanocrystals known as nanocrystal quantum dots. Gathering...

Optics of Quantum Dots & Wires
Optics of Quantum Dots & Wires
Garnett W. Bryant

Quantum technology is the key to next-generation optoelectronics and laser semiconductors, and this new cutting-edge book is an in-depth examination of how quantum dots and wires are fabricated and ap...

Quantum Dots Applications in Biology
Quantum Dots Applications in Biology
C. Hotz

Quantum Dots captures many diverse applications enabling utility in biological detection. Organized into five parts, the first two parts cover the use of QDs in imaging fixed and living cells (and tis...

Learning to Think Strategically Connecting the Dots
Learning to Think Strategically Connecting the Dots
J. Sloan

In "Learning to Think Strategically", author Julia Sloan presents a previously unexamined account of the relationship between strategic thinking and the learning process involved taking learning from ...

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