"Atlas chorób płuc" pod redakcją Jamesa D. Crapo przedstawia najczęściej spotykane w praktyce klinicznej choroby płuc. Każda jednostka chorobowa została opisana w niezwykle logiczny i przystępny dla c...
New edition of a comprehensive overview of pulmonary diseases that supplies enough detail to appeal to the specialist, and enough basic medical science and background discussion to keep a good beginni...
This new fourth edition of the "Atlas of Pulmonary Medicine" has been updated in content and quality. Now in four-color, the Atlas covers all pertinent areas of pulmonary medicine - asthma, COPD, cyst...
"The Atlas of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" is a comprehensive collection of high-quality images covering all areas of COPD. Included are radiographic images, flow charts, schematics, anatomi...