
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mamy coming", znaleziono 67

Kocia magia
Kocia magia
Jackson Galaxy, Joel Derfner

Jackson Galaxy, gwiazda popularnego programu Kot z piekła rodem, opowiada historię kota, który nadał sens jego życiu i sprawił, że Jackson stał się amerykańskim Kocim Tatą. Galaxy, uzależniony od alk...

Byłem w Niebie. Prawdziwa historia śmierci i powrotu do życia
Byłem w Niebie. Prawdziwa historia śmierci i powrotu do życia
Richard Sigmund

Poruszające świadectwo człowieka, który miał ciężki wypadek samochodowy, umarł i powrócił po ośmiu godzinach do życia, w chwili kiedy dwóch sanitariuszy wiozło jego ciało do kostnicy! Przez te osiem g...

Niezwykłe zdolności naszych zwierząt
2 wydania
Niezwykłe zdolności naszych zwierząt
Rupert Sheldrake

- więzi między człowiekiem a zwierzętami- zwierzęta, które wyczuwają, kiedy ich właściciel wraca do domu- empatia zwierząt- wyczuwanie przez zwierzęta naszych zamiarów, komunikatów i poleceń- orientac...

The Amazing Spider-Man: Powrót do domu
The Amazing Spider-Man: Powrót do domu
Joseph Michael Straczynski ...
Cykl: Wielka Kolekcja Komiksów Marvela, tom 1
Seria: Wielka Kolekcja Komiksów Marvela

Peter Parker często czuł się samotny. Kiedy ugryzł go napromieniowany pająk chłopiec zyskał pajęcze moce - jednak nikomu o nich nie powiedział. Próbując wykorzystać je dla zysku, przyczynił się do śmi...

Fantastyczna Czwórka. Nadejście Galactusa
Fantastyczna Czwórka. Nadejście Galactusa
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Cykle: Wielka Kolekcja Komiksów Marvela, tom 73, The Fantastic Four, tom 44-51
Seria: Wielka Kolekcja Komiksów Marvela

Reed Richards oraz Sue Storm w końcu postanowili się pobrać! W najbardziej chaotycznym ślubie stulecia wezmą udział prawie wszyscy bohaterowie uniwersum Marvela. Miesiąc miodowy młodej pary zostanie b...

Życie na krawędzi
2 wydania
Życie na krawędzi
Jim Al-Khalili, Johnjoe McFadden
Seria: Wiedza i Życie - Orbity Nauki

Era kwantowej biologii Nasza wiedza o świecie istot żywych przeżywa okres rewolucyjnych zmian. W rzeczywistość opisywaną dotychczas przez biologię zaczyna wkraczać mechanika kwantowa. Okazuje się, ż...

52 wydania
Stefan Żeromski

Wybitna powieść Stefana Żeromskiego wydana w 1924 (z datą 1925) w Warszawie. Składa się z trzech części: „Szklane domy”, „Nawłoć”, „Wiatr od wschodu”. Opowiada o życiu Cezarego Baryki, urodzonego i wy...

Wojna światów
24 wydania
Wojna światów
Herbert George Wells

Klasyczna powieść science fiction, kilkakrotnie ekranizowana (m.in. przez Stevena Spielberga), a w roku 1938 przerobiona przez Orsona Wellesa na słuchowisko radiowe, którego emisja przeszła do histor...

Coming Home
Coming Home
Rosamunde Pilcher

Against the backdrop of an elegant Cornwall mansion before World War II and a vast continent-spanning canvas during the turbulent war years, this involving story tells of an extraordinary young woman...

Coming Up for Air
Coming Up for Air
George Orwell

George Bowling, the hero of this comic novel, is a middle-aged insurance salesman who lives in an average English suburban row house with a wife and two children. One day, after winning some money fro...

When death is coming
When death is coming
Jen Woodrum

The “4” tattooed on the back of Corrie’s neck means she’ll die before she turns twenty. The knowledge of death dates has become available to the world. Now, those with early death dates—the Threes...

Coming Storm
Coming Storm
R. Kidd

Before the Black Pearl, there was a teenage stowaway named Jack Sparrow... The story of Jack Sparrow starts here! Teenage stowaway Jack Sparrow has assembled a motley crew and theyre on the quest of a...

Kingdom Coming
Kingdom Coming
M. Goldberg

Taking the reader on a journey through a country in the grips of a fevered religious radicalism, in "Kingdom Coming", Michelle Goldberg demonstrates how the growing influence of dominionism - the doct...

Coming Home
2 wydania
Coming Home
Rosamunde Pilcher

This volume follows the fortunes of Judith Dunbar, from life in boarding school to the end of World War II.

X-Factor. Volume 10: Second Coming
X-Factor. Volume 10: Second Coming
Peter David, Valentine De Landro
Cykl: X-Factor, tom 10

You're Bolivar Trask, the reanimated leader of the Mutant Response Division. Your mission: Kill every member of X-Factor. How to accomplish that without collateral damage? Easy: hire the team for what...

Christmas Is Coming
Christmas Is Coming

Help Father Christmas get ready for the big day with the most amazing pop-up, pull-out story book ever! Find out how you can help Santa at this busy time. There's loads to do - create a magical Christ...

Coming of Age
Coming of Age
William Simon

During his 45-year career, Will McBride - an American who has spent his adult life in Germany - has created this extended photographic portrait of male adolescence.'

Coming China Wars
Coming China Wars
Peter Navarro

China is now the "factory floor" for global production. It sells to the world at the competition-crushing "China Price" and we as consumers benefit greatly. Unfortunately for the world, this story doe...

Coming Robot Revolution
Coming Robot Revolution
Yoseph Bar-Cohen

This book discusses the emergence of humanlike robots into our everyday world. It covers the trends, possibilities, and concerns we will all feel with their emergence. Robots will walk, talk, and look...

Coming into Mind
Coming into Mind
M. Wilkinson

Contemporary neuroscience has a valuable contribution to make to understanding the mind-brain. Coming into Mind aims to bridge the gap between theory and clinical practice, demonstrating how awareness...

Pale Horse Coming
Pale Horse Coming
Stephen Hunter

Pale Horse Coming


Stephen Swan is amazed when he hears that the uncle he thought had beenkilled in the Blitz is actually alive. For nearly four decades, EldritchSwan has been locked away in an Irish prison and now, at ...

Jews Are Coming Back
Jews Are Coming Back
Davis Bankier

Of the estimated 12 million refugees in the world, more than 7 million have been confined to camps, effectively "warehoused," in some cases, for 10 years or more. Holding refugees in camps was anathem...

The Coming of Saska
The Coming of Saska
Doreen Tovey

But why did it have to happen to us? Because he was a Siamese, of course, with his own ideas on things Doreen Tovey enchants us again with stories of life with her husband Charles in a West Country vi...

Things We Didn't See Coming
Things We Didn't See Coming
Steven Amsterdam

A mesmerising debut set in the not-too-distant future, in a landscape at once utterly fantastic and strangely familiar. Darkly comic, this is said to read like a less relentlessly bleak Cormac McCarth...

Sunday Morning Coming Down
Sunday Morning Coming Down
Nicci French

'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition' Sophie Hannah It's always darkest before the light comes. In the chilling seventh...

The Coming of Steeleye
The Coming of Steeleye
Saul Dunn
Cykl: The Saga of the Steeleye, tom 1

By the 99th Century the Sylvan Empire had achieved several centuries of peaceful repression, known to history as 'The Lull'. But now the end was in sight. The Eumigs, a gentle race of the huge Android...

Coming of Post-Industrial Society
Coming of Post-Industrial Society
Daniel Bell

A 1976 forecast that predicts a radically altered social structure, within thirty to fifty years, by which a more sophisticated technology is employed to harness science toward more instrumental purpo...

Coming of the Third Reich
Coming of the Third Reich
Richard J. Evans

In 1900 Germany was generally viewed as one of the world’s most progressive, dynamic and impressive nations. Ceaselessly inventive, in many ways at the cutting edge of social and welfare reform, Germa...

The Coming of the Terraphiles
The Coming of the Terraphiles
Michael Moorcock
Cykl: Doctor Who: New Series Adventures, tom 41

The Terraphiles are a group obsessed with Earth's past and dedicated to re-enacting ancient sporting events. The Doctor and Amy join them on a trip to Miggea, a star on the very edge of reality, and v...

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