In this study of environmental risks in ten of the world's major cities, the contributors examine the hazard experiences of and analyze the future risks. They conclude that the natural disaster potent...
To jedna z najsłynniejszych kurtyzan swych czasów. Królowa półświatka, Liane de Pougy stała się, dzięki małżeństwu z rumuńskim księciem Georgesem Ghika, prawdziwą księżną, spokrewnioną z większością e...
For graduate-level courses in Marketing Research, Research Design and Data Analysis.Multivariate Data Analysis provides an applications-oriented introduction to multivariate data analysis for the nons...
Business Data Communications, 6/e, covers the fundamentals of data communications, networking, distributed applications, and network management and security. Stallings presents these concepts in a way...
This new edition includes better values of properties already reported, properties not reported in time for the earlier edition, and entirely new properties becoming important for modern polymer appli...
The new edition of the classic bestseller that launched the data warehousing industry covers new approaches and technologies, many of which have been pioneered by Inmon himself In addition to explaini...
Analysis of Economic Data teaches methods of data analysis to students whose primary interest is not in econometrics, statistics or mathematics. It shows students how to apply econometric techniques ...
Now updated for SPSS 14.0, International Edition this book is an excellent supplement to any introductory statistics course. It provides a practical and useful introduction to SPSS 14.0 and enables st...
Management of Data in Clinical Trials, Second Edition explores data management--from study development to final analysis--and suggests alternative approaches, with guidelines on optimal approaches und...
Data communications and computer networks are becoming increasingly more important--today's business world could not function without either. DATABASE FUNDAMENTALS OF NETWORKING AND DATA COMMUNICATION...
An interdisciplinary framework for learning methodologies--covering statistics, neural networks, and fuzzy logic, this book provides a unified treatment of the principles and methods for learning depe...
The field of accuracy assessment of maps derived from remotely sensed data has continued to grow since the first edition of this groundbreaking book published in 1999. As a result, this much-anticipat...