Der Jakobsweg nach Santiago de Compostela, wo die sterblichen Überreste des Apostels Jakobus ruhen, wurde vom Europääischen Rat als der wichtigste anerkannt, weil er seit vielen Jahrhunderten einzelne...
It's 1988 and Marcus Lopez's first year at Kings Dominion, the elite academy where damaged teenagers are forged into the world's deadliest assassins, is coming to a close, and the final exam is murde...
The Literary Review A very well-written, cleverly plotted first novel The Observer The troubled Tartaglia is an interesting creation and the plot shifts and swerves in unexpected but pleasurable ways
Kiedy rodzice Kate Mercier umierają w tragicznym wypadku samochodowym, zostawia ona swoje życie – i wspomnienia – za sobą, żeby żyć z dziadkami w Paryżu. Dla Kate, jedynym sposobem na przetrwanie jej...
Édith Piaf was one of 20th-century France's brightest stars, an international sensation, and since her death in 1963 has become a legendary figure. Her life story is so compelling that it has become d...
A favorite for more than three decades among nursing and allied health instructors and students, "Williams' Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy" provides focused nutrition coverage in an easy-to-re...