
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mi do druga", znaleziono 518

Meyler's Side Effects of Analgesics & Anti-inflammatory Drug
Meyler's Side Effects of Analgesics & Anti-inflammatory Drug
J. Aronson

Includes not only analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, but also all other drugs that act in an analgesic or anti-inflammatory manner

Kaplan & Sadock's Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatm
Kaplan & Sadock's Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatm
Benjamin Sadock

The thoroughly updated Fourth Edition of this popular handbook includes all the newest drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders. Each chapter provides complete information on preparation and dosages;...

Handbook of Medical Consequences of Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Handbook of Medical Consequences of Alcohol & Drug Abuse
J. Brick

A unique and comprehensive reference that no health care professional who encounters substance abusers should be without! The Handbook of the Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse is a cuttin...

3-D Cell-Based Biosensors in Drug Discovery Programs
3-D Cell-Based Biosensors in Drug Discovery Programs
William Kisaalita

Advances in genomics and combinatorial chemistry during the past two decades inspired innovative technologies and changes in the discovery and pre-clinical development paradigm with the goal of accele...

In Vivo Mr Techniques in Drug Discovery and Development
In Vivo Mr Techniques in Drug Discovery and Development
Nicolau Beckman

Demonstrating current and potential uses of in vivo MR techniques in the drug discovery and development processes, this guidediscusses applications for specific disease areas, emphasizing the advantag...

Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, and Drug Delivery Systems
Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, and Drug Delivery Systems
Ashok Katdare, Mahesh V. Chaubal

To facilitate the development of novel drug delivery systems and biotechnology-oriented drugs, the need for new, yet to be developed, and approved excipients continues to increase. Excipient Developme...

Animal and Translational Models for CNS Drug Discovery 3 vol
Animal and Translational Models for CNS Drug Discovery 3 vol
R. Mc Arthur

Minimize the number of drug candidates that could later fail in human trials! These three volumes provide a unique examination of how animal models are evolving from "behavioral gut baths" to providin...

Pathway Analysis for Drug Discovery: Computational Infrastructure and Applications
Pathway Analysis for Drug Discovery: Computational Infrastructure and Applications
Anton Yuryev, Sean Ekins

This book summarizes the existing applications of pathway analysis and investigates new opportunities for drug development. It covers traditional computational methods and software for pathway analysi...

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