A practice-oriented manual for the small- and large-scale preparation of enantiomerically pure products, this professional reference is a vital resource for meeting the highest purity standards in the...
Mroczny Rycerz rusza na wojnę z globalną przestępczością w albumie „Batman: Świat”, unikalnym projekcie wydawniczym DC! We wrześniu 2021 roku Batman rozpocznie wojnę z przestępczością na całym świ...
This book introduces some methods for the determination of the three-dimensional geometry of molecules in solution and the occurrence of dynamical processes (interaction with the solvent, rearrangemen...
Chiral Analysis covers an important area of analytical chemistry of relevance to a wide variety of scientific professionals. The target audience is scientific professionals with an undergraduate backg...
As pharmaceutical companies look to develop single enantiomers as drug candidates, chemists are increasingly faced with the problems associated with this subclass of organic synthesis. "The Handbook ...
Understanding the molecular interactions responsible for chiral recognition is of primary importance in life chemistry. Gas-phase experiments on either neutral or ionic adducts of chiral molecules all...
A comprehensive overview of the use of NMR spectroscopy for chiral discrimination Discrimination of Chiral Compounds Using NMR Spectroscopy concisely covers the broad array of reagents that make it po...
Presenting the most comprehensive compilation of chiral auxiliaries.. The area of diastereoselective synthesis under auxiliary control has, over the past 10-15 years, come of age. This important and p...