
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "monroe dziab", znaleziono 14

Harley Quinn. Tom 3. Cmok, cmok, bang, dziab!
Harley Quinn. Tom 3. Cmok, cmok, bang, dziab!
Amanda Cassil, Jimmy Palmiotti
Cykl: Harley Quinn (Egmont), tom 3
Seria: Nowe DC Comics!

Trzeci tom przygód Harley Quinn, jednej z najpopularniejszych superbohaterek ostatnich lat. Praca psychiatry, zarządzanie kamienicą pełną wymagających lokatorów i rozbrykanych zwierząt, regularne star...

Giacomo C. T1 Maska w mrocznej paszczy. T2 Upadek anioła
Giacomo C. T1 Maska w mrocznej paszczy. T2 Upadek anioła
Jean Dufaux, "Griffo"

Morderstwo na lagunie... Mroczna Wenecja, wieczna Wenecja spływa krwią! W mrocznej uliczce zabito mężczyznę. W tej samej chwili pewna dziewczyna lekkich obyczajów została znaleziona martwa, straszliwi...

O zespołach. 10 IDEI HBR
O zespołach. 10 IDEI HBR
Jon R. Katzenbach, Diane Coutu, Douglas K. Smith, Lynda Gratton ...
Seria: Kolekcja 10 IDEI, seria 2

Budujesz nowy zespół i nie wiesz od czego zacząć? W Twoim zespole brakuje zaangażowania i nowych pomysłów? Konflikty i wewnętrzne spory blokują współpracę? Lista problemów, z którymi może zetknąć się ...

Diagnostic Imaging in Critical Care
C. Joyce

Diagnostic Imaging in Critical Care: A problem based approach provides an up to date educational resource to enable clinicians to interpret patients imaging investigations. The book is based on a seri...

Dude You're a Fag
Dude You're a Fag
C. Pascoe

High school and the difficult terrain of sexuality and gender identity are brilliantly explored in this smart, incisive ethnography. Based on eighteen months of fieldwork in a racially diverse working...

C. Maier

"Polypropylene: The Definitive User's Guide and Databook" presents in a single volume a panoramic and up-to-the-minute user's guide for today's most important thermoplastic. The book examines every as...

Developing Quality Metadata
Developing Quality Metadata
C. Wootton

Developing Quality Metadata is an advanced-level book that's about making sure metadata is of the best possible quality. It gives the reader never-before published industry expert secrets for creating...

Introduction to Stata Programming
Introduction to Stata Programming
C. Baum

This work focuses on three types of Stata programming: do-file programming, ado-file programming, and Mata functions that work in conjunction with do- and ado-files. It explains how to usefully automa...

Bonjour Laziness
Bonjour Laziness
C. Maier

Your company wants you to be loyal. You should feel lucky–after all, your job is a privilege (think of all those who would like to have it). And you know (despite what you’ve read about Enron and Worl...

El Infierno. Drugs, Gangs, Riots and Murder
El Infierno. Drugs, Gangs, Riots and Murder
Pieter Tritton

Gato's head snapped back... We could make out the shots of several 9mms, a couple of 38s and one or two 45s. I hurled myself through the doorway and into the room. I didn't look back. Caught in an Ecu...

Critical Thinking in Respiratory Care
Critical Thinking in Respiratory Care
Shelley C. Mishoe

A practical guide to the clinical decision-making skills essential for effective respiratory care practice across the continuum of health care. Features actual clinical cases for critical analysis, pa...

Art of the Event Complete Guide to Designing & Decorating
Art of the Event Complete Guide to Designing & Decorating
James C. Monroe

Get the essential guide to making your events extraordinary! Event planners need professional-caliber information that explains how to decorate a venue for a special event - from assessing the client'...

Contact Linguistics
Contact Linguistics
C. Myers Scotton

Contact Linguistics is a critical investigation of what happens to the grammars of languages when bilingual speakers use both their languages in the same clause. It consolidates earlier insights and p...

Blueprints Microbiology & Immunology
Blueprints Microbiology & Immunology
C. B. Hare, Monica Gandhi, Paul Baum

Wondering how your microbiology course will relate to medical practice? Overwhelmed by the amount of reading necessary to cover the basics? Looking for a link between basic science and its clinical ap...

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