Praca znanego z wielu prac historyka i eseisty Jerzego Besali prezentuje długie panowanie Zygmunta Starego na tle istotnych wydarzeń międzynarodowych: zmagań militarnych Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego...
Of course, Anton Corbijn's longtime bestseller is available again: hisportrait gallery of the heroes and enfants terribles of film, literature,fashion, pop and rock. Schirmer/Mosel. Reprint. With intr...
Pierwsza część dwutomowej serii mangowej, znakomicie łączącej elementy fantastyczne dla młodzieży z humorem w stylu Monty Pytona. Statek z Mon-Star i jej demonicznym, królikokształtnym szefem zbliża s...
Drugi i ostatni tom zabawnej, stworzonej w duchu Monty Pythona mangowej historii SF. Doktor K. Rólik, Mon-Star i ich pomocnicy wciąż pragną zdobyć Ziemię. Czy w końcu im się to uda?
The superstar of women's fiction returns with a new novel and a new autumn publication date, but the same big consumer advertising and the same magical touch. The residents of the flats at 66 Star Str...
The heroes of Star Wars Rebels are back with more action-packed adventures! Follow them on their journey to save Wookiees as they narrowly escape a terrible Imperial trap. They also meet beloved droid...
Deep in a forest, along a scary old path, was a scary old house. What makes that house so creepy? Could ghosts be on the prowls haunting the cupboard. And the clever ending sets them up for reading th...
Get your child hooked on reading as they meet the Jedi Knight Anakin from the new Star Wars Clone Wars series Designed to engage even the most reluctant reader, this fun-packed Clone Wars Reader is al...
As a new student at Lothal's Imperial Academy, Zare Leonis does everything it takes to pass as a model cadet. But secretly, he is a hidden enemy among Imperial loyalists, determined to discover the tr...