
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "nowa sobie sa to", znaleziono 5

Szturmowcy. Nowa historia nazistowskich oddziałów SA
Szturmowcy. Nowa historia nazistowskich oddziałów SA
Daniel Siemens

"Szturmowcy" Daniela Siemensa to pierwsza kompletna historia wsławionych okrucieństwem Oddziałów Szturmowy NSDAP. Opierając się na rozległych badaniach i nieznanych wcześniej źródłach, autor opisuje...

New Cytokines as Potential Drugs
New Cytokines as Potential Drugs
Satwant K. Narula, Robert L. Coffman

Over the past ten years, a number of cytokines and growth factors have proven to be as effective therapeutics. While these products have certainly established recombinant biologics as a major pharmace...

Protein-Protein Interactions as New Drug Targets
Protein-Protein Interactions as New Drug Targets
John Scott, Enno Klussmann

Disease-relevant intracellular protein-protein interactions occurring at defined cellular sites possess great potential as drug targets. They permit highly specific pharmacological interference with d...

Games Cultures Computer Games as New Media
Games Cultures Computer Games as New Media
J. Dovey

This book offers both an overview of the critical concepts and critical debates that are shaping the emerging field of Game Studies and an analysis of computer games as the most popular contemporary f...

Sustaining New Orleans Literature, Local Memory, and the Fa
Sustaining New Orleans Literature, Local Memory, and the Fa
B. Eckstein

This book pursues two meanings of the phrase, "sustaining New Orleans." One is the perpetuation of the images and ideas and tales of New Orleans sustained in public memory--local and not--through a ra...

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