
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "pierce mamy", znaleziono 53

Ostatni kat. Wspomnienia więziennego kata z Tajlandii
Ostatni kat. Wspomnienia więziennego kata z Tajlandii
Chavoret Jaruboon, Nicola Pierce
Seria: Rozmowy z Katem

Chavoret Jaruboon był odpowiedzialny za rozstrzelanie pięćdziesięciu pięciu więźniów w niesławnych tajlandzkich więzieniach. Będąc chłopcem, chciał zostać nauczycielem tak jak jego ojciec, ale jego ż...

Dzika sprawiedliwość.
2 wydania
Dzika sprawiedliwość.
Marc Bekoff, Jessica Pierce

Czy zwierzęta są zdolne do empatii, traktują się fair, współpracują i pomagają sobie nawzajem w kłopotach? Krótko mówiąc, czy zwierzęta przejawiają inteligencję moralną? Najnowsze badania nauk...

Do biegu gotowi start Wprowadzenie do SPSS dla Windows
Do biegu gotowi start Wprowadzenie do SPSS dla Windows
Pavkov Thomas Pierce Kent

Podręcznik prezentuje informacje niezbędne do opanowania obsługi SPSS dla Windows (wersja 11.0 i późniejsze) i analizy danych na poziomie podstawowym. Każdy rozdział opisuje główne zagadnienia analizy...

Gdy Bóg mówi do ciebie
Gdy Bóg mówi do ciebie
Rebecca Wagner-Sytsema, Chuck D. Pierce

Rozpoznaj głos, który daje życie - i to życie w obfitości! Czy jest możliwe, że Bóg już wcześniej przemawiał do ciebie, a ty nie rozpoznałeś wówczas Jego głosu? Być może mówił do ciebie poprzez jakieś...

Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia. 40 opowiadań na 40-lecie Nowej Nadziei
2 wydania
Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia. 40 opowiadań na 40-lecie Nowej Nadziei
Ben Acker, Renée Ahdieh, Tom Angleberger, Ben Blacker ...
Cykl: Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia, tom 1
Serie: Kanon Star Wars [Olesiejuk], Star Wars Powieści

(Wydanie I, Wydawnictwo Olesiejuk, Ożarów Mazowiecki, 2023) "Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia. 40 opowiadań na 40-lecie Nowej Nadziei" - Czterdzieści lat, czterdzieści opowiadań. 25 maja 1977 r...

Mildred Pierce
2 wydania
Mildred Pierce
Cain James M.

A classic American novel, published to tie-in with a major new SKY series starring Kate Winslet.

Pierce Me
Pierce Me
M.C. Frank

The pop idol. Everyone knows my name. Everyone knows my story, how I started from nothing and shot to stardom within the past year. I sell our stadiums within hours after announcing a new tour. I hav...

Księga Sandry
2 wydania
Księga Sandry
Tamora Pierce
Cykl: Krąg Magii, tom 1

Murder (and Baklava)
Murder (and Baklava)
Blake Pierce

When London Rose, 33, is proposed to by her long-time boyfriend, she realizes she is facing a stable, predictable, pre-determined (and passionless) life. She freaks out and runs the other way-accepti...

Managers Bookshelf A Mosaic of Contemporary Views
Managers Bookshelf A Mosaic of Contemporary Views
J. Pierce

A supplement or stand-alone text for undergraduate/graduate-level courses in Introduction to Management or Organizational Behavior. This collection of objective summaries of a broad sampling of busine...

Trickster's Choice
Trickster's Choice
T. Pierce

Tamora Pierce brings readers another Tortall adventure! Alianne is the teenage daughter of the famed Alanna, the first lady knight in Tortall. Young Aly follows in the quieter footsteps of her father,...

Introduction to Information Theory
Introduction to Information Theory
J. Pierce

Second (1980) edition. "Uncommonly good...the most satisfying discussion to be found"Scientific American. Covers encoding and binary digits, entropy, language and meaning, efficient encoding and the n...

Circle Opens #2 Street Magic
Circle Opens #2 Street Magic
T. Pierce

In a fantasy series, teenagers with magical gifts are surrounded by a world of royalty, mystery, and power. They find that they must rely on each other as friends and teachers, in order to use their u...

Circle Opens #3 Cold Fire
2 wydania
Circle Opens #3 Cold Fire
T. Pierce

Daja and Frostpine expect to spend some peaceful weeks with old friends in Namorn. But things begin to go awry as soon as they arrive. First Daja discovers that their hosts' twin daughters are mages. ...

Circle of Magic #01 Sandry's Book
Circle of Magic #01 Sandry's Book
T. Pierce

Circle of Magic is an enthralling fantasy quartet series appealing to both boys and girls. Herein are the adventures of Daja, Briar, Tris, and Sandry, four children who are brought to Winding Circle T...

7 wydań
B. Pierce

Genetics: From Genes to Genomes is a cutting-edge, introductory genetics text authored by an unparalleled author team, including Nobel Prize winner, Leland Hartwell. The Third Edition continues to bui...

Reading Joyce
Reading Joyce
D. Pierce

s works take place."Morris Beja, author of James Joyce: A Literary Life, and past President, the International James Joyce Foundation"This is a brave, richly informed, and candid book, an engaging mix...

Circle Opens #4 Shatterglass
Circle Opens #4 Shatterglass
T. Pierce

The breathtaking conclusion to Pierce's The Circle Opens quartet is now available in mass market paperback.

Handbook of International Corporate Governance
Handbook of International Corporate Governance
Chris Pierce

Chris Pierce is the Director of Professional Development at the IoD and has been associated with many of the major board development initiatives in the UK and overseas over the last decade. He is a re...

Circle of Magic #04 Briar's Book
Circle of Magic #04 Briar's Book
T. Pierce
Cykl: Krąg Magii, tom 4

Briar, a magician in training, discovers a victim of a strange disease, who turns out to be impervious to every spell. Can Briar strengthen her powers in time to save the innocent?Page Turners Readers...

Circle of Magic #03 Daja's Book
Circle of Magic #03 Daja's Book
T. Pierce

Daja is a misfit child with special powers. She was sent into exile by her people, the Traders. When a deadly fire threatens the Traders' village, Daja must decide if she will save her people and, eve...

Voices of a Thousand People
Voices of a Thousand People
Patricia Pierce Erikson

Voices of a Thousand People is the story of one Native community's efforts to found their own museum and empower themselves to represent their ancient traditional lifeways, their historic experiences ...

Urban Aquaculture
Urban Aquaculture
Barry Costa Pierce

Millions of people are moving from rural areas to coastal cities. Meeting the basic human needs for protein foods in the future will be a difficult challenge. Fishery products are the world's most imp...

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